March classes offered by your Sobeys Glace Bay Dietitian!

Glace Bay Sobeys Dietitian Calendar - March 2016

Taste & Learn Classes – Taste & Discover New Foods & Recipes! FREE
March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme is “Take a 100 Meal Journey”

Attend a Taste & Learn class to learn small changes to improve your health, one meal at a time!

Friday, March 4th 11-12pm “Better for you Breakfast”
Friday, March 18th 11-12pm “Building a Salad”
Wednesday, March 30th 11-12pm “Snappy Stirfrys”

Healthy Cooking Class $10
Menu: Chili Beef Taco Bites | Crispy Roast Potatoes | Garlicky Greens |
Southwestern Ranch Dip | Quinoa Crusted Chicken Fingers

Thursday, March 3rd 11-1pm

Label Reading 101- FREE
Confused about what to look for on a Nutrition Label? Sign-up for a label reading class, and our dietitian will take you for a hands-on store tour, where all your questions will be answered!

Tuesday, March 15th 2-3:30 pm

Glace Bay Supper Club! FREE
Join your Sobeys Dietitian for an afternoon of tasting, learning and sharing!
A great opportunity to try new foods, exchange recipes, and socialize!

March 23rd 4:00 pm

For more information or to register for a class stop by Sobeys Glace Bay Pharmacy, phone 902-849-6883, or email [email protected]

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