
Mass Grave Excavated at Louisbourg

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Old Sydney Society  offering monthly public talks on the history of Cape Breton. Becki Dunham​, senior archaeologist, will speak at the next meeting of the Old Sydney Society on 2​4​ ​March​ 2016, 7:30 PM  at the ​Centre for Heritage and Science,​ 225 George St., Sydney. The title of the talk is:​ ​"Words are Wanting to Represent the Severity..." The ​Unexpected ​​Discovery of an ​Eroding 18th century ​M​ass ​G​rave at the Fortress of Louisbourg​.​

On a cold February morning in 2006, Becki​ came across the most interesting archaeological find of ​her​ career while conducting a coastal erosion survey along the shores of Fortress Louisbourg. Although not evident at first, this find, initially consisting of remnants of a stone foundation, turned out to be a c.1746 mass grave of forty-five New Englanders that nobody knew about, or at least had not been written about for 250 years. This discovery has shed light on a tragic and obscure aspect of Louisbourg's history in relation to the first siege of Louisbourg. As well, through scientific study, this find has taught us much about the people who lived in Louisbourg in the mid-eighteenth century, from their very bones.

Everybody Welcome. ​Please see attached photo​s​ of ​the excavation site and a page from a 2007 Field note book burial plan.​

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7:30pm on March 24th at the Centre for Heritage and Science in Sydney, NS
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beverly matheson Follow Me
I have been reading a lot about Cape Breton history in general, and find that this discovery is quite amazing. I would be interested in knowing any other info re the find. If there is a story to be told....I hope it surfaces. Cape Breton history fascinates me, as I was born and raised there, and am only now realizing it's importance in the French/Englsh situation then and the fact it played a major role in the Canada as we know today......
Ken Donovan My Post Follow Me
Hi Beverly: Thank you for your comments. Becki Dunham's talk on the mass grave discovery will soon be put on line. Please go to the Old Sydney Society Facebook page and click like on the page for the link to the video of the talk when it is posted. Here is the link to the Old sydney Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OldSydneySociety/?fref=ts

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