Massive Hurricane Fiona Headed Towards Nova Scotia Sept.24 VIDEO

Hurricane Fiona is on its way for Nova Scotia on Saturday September 24, 2022 and it will bring 100 mm of rain or more and it will damage houses and it will bring down power lines and Snapping tree branches in half and Snapping Telephone Poles in Half and it will be so much Rain and Wind and it will bring Big Waves Crashing the Beaches and Shores of Nova Scotia and it will hit Halifax and Cape Breton including Sydney and Charlottetown Prince Edward Island And have your medical kits emergency kits flashlights candles crank up radio extra batteries generators battery operated Lanterns and bottled water ready as well and People in Nova Scotia Be Prepared have your Rubber Boots Rain Coats and Rain Suits Ready and when you go outside wear your rain gear Rubber Boots and Rain Coats to Keep you Dry. Order your Pizzas and Chinese Food and Buy Cases of Pepsi and Coke do your Grocery Shopping Don't Wait until the Last Minute Do it Right Now. Have your Samsung Galaxys Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Samsung Galaxy Tablets Smartphones Cell Phones Laptops and Tablets Charged and Have your 3G 4G 5G and LTE Internet Ready as well and Stay away from Beaches and Don't go near the Shores it will damage and even destroy buildings and knocking out the power. If you have anybody living in Nova Scotia Be Prepared for Hurricane Fiona on Saturday September 24, 2022. Take Care and Stay Safe and Don't Get Caught in the Massive Hurricane Fiona. Stay Dry and Be Safe.


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