Mayor Clarke Cancels Heavy Garbage Pickup: Violates 100 Promises

Councillor Esmond "Blue" Marshall tried to talk a little sense to the CBRM council Thursday night during budget approval discussion.

When Councillor Coombes pointed out that heavy garbage pickup had been cut from the budget for 2017, Marshall spoke up. He reminded council that when heavy garbage isn't removed by the municipality, many people end up dumping it in rural areas, including in his district.

Although the ignorance and disrespect of those who do so cannot be entirely prevented, it would certainly be reduced with the popular heavy garbage pickup program - if it wasn't cancelled.

The responsibility for approving the budget, which included cutting the program, falls with the entire CBRM council. However, Mayor Clarke's administration was responsible for putting that budget together.

Clarke lobbied to get council to (foolishly) endorse his 100 promises reelection campaign, making every promise within it a mandate for his final four years.

With this move, he's officially violated one of those promises. And the public is likely to react unfavorably.

However, the fate of heavy garbage pickup for 2017 may not be sealed. Recall that Clarke previously announced that the program was not going to be funded, only to later bring it back. It's a bit like throwing a puppy in the pool so people can see you rescue you it heroically. So I won't be entirely surprised if heavy garbage is rescued before the cruise ship Veendam arrives on April 30th. 

If you had concerns about the cancellation of the flower program, rest assured they will be back to continue to camouflage the decline of our communities.

NOTE: The views expressed above are my own and do not represent lokol ( Read more

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It's official. Heavy Garbage Pickup was cut from the 2017 budget. Mayor Clarke violates promise #91 in campaign.
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Jason Morrison Follow Me
To be honest I don't why heavy garbage was held every year, how much large garbage can one accumulate in a year? I think every second or third year makes more fiscal sense, and for those that dump illegally, shame on them for being lazy. If they can take the time to load it in a vehicle to dump it in the woods then can spare the extra time to run it to the dump. Honestly, how lazy do you have to be and how little respect do you have for your community and environment to dump your trash where it shouldn't be.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I guess that depends on the stats. Not every home needs to take advantage of heavy garbage each season. However, just from driving around, it appears like there is a major participation in the program. I'm not a big fan of the ignorant people that dump illegally either. But, one thing I'm sure of: we're not going to change their mindset or behavior overnight. So our solutions need to take into consideration the community we live in, including our less respectful members with such despicable behaviors. Overall though, it certainly appears as though people are making good use of the program.

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