Jeanine LeBlanc

Jeanine LeBlanc

MemberID: jeanine-leblanc

Animal advocate, military veteran, and small-business owner Jeanine Leblanc founded the Healing Hearts community to help transform the stigma that often accompanies trauma. As a survivor of abuse, assault, and addiction, Jeanine learned that her past does not define her and that any limitations the world set for her were no match for courage and self-love.

Jeanine rose from the ashes of suffering to create the life she knew she deserved. To fulfill a life-long desire to serve, Jeanine transformed her Nova Scotia country home into a rescue for dozens of high-needs animals and built a business to afford the cost of loving them.

In Healing Hearts: Shatterproof, Jeanine established a place for trauma survivors to tell their stories, without shame or judgement. At the heart of all of her work is Jeanine’s belief that all beings have the right to live well and to feel safe, worthy, and free.


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