Lyn Day

Lyn Day

MemberID: linda-day
Owner of Sunshine Play Care which is a local day care for families that need special consideration due to specific schedules. We have been in business 8 years and have raised many children to graduation at 4 years of age. We focus on education and sensory play. 
Owner of Red-Eye Productions. We have a history of events to our credit between Canada and the United States. Presently anticipating the lift of restrictions due to Covid so we can move ahead on 4 events ready to launch
*Isagenix, which is an uncompromised superior product developed for your well being, is the company I have partnered with so as to utilize its amazing transformation ability through my Facebook groupMuscle Fitness and Nutrition, where we share and train anyone that is eager to increase their fitness level or begin on their fitness journey.
Studied Business Management at
Maritime Business College
Attended from 1975 to 1978
Majored in English
Worked at the Royal Bank of Canada
Trained as a Make Up Artist
Head Make-up Artist for TV and Commercial opportunities that were scheduled in Atlantic Canada developing the look required for the production.

Former owner of 2 fitness centres
Fitness Instructor/Coach of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, former provincial judge. AFAA certified. Specialized in arthritic support. Former Fitness Instructor at the Medium/Maximum Springhill Penitentiary.
Presently training through ISSA -
Upgrade Certified Personal Training 
Bodybuilding Certification
Transformation Specialist Certification. 
Lives in
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Moncton, New Brunswick


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