Barry McNeil

Barry McNeil

MemberID: newhorizonaddiction

New Horizon Addiction Rehabilitation Centers for Men and Women are located in the beautiful city of Sydney, on Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
These Addiction Treatment Centers include a 6- bed Addiction Rehabilitation Center for women and a separate 12 bed facility for men. Each facility offers acute detoxification, stabilization, and aftercare programs for those struggling with opioid, alcohol, benzodiazepine, cocaine, or other substance use disorders. New Horizon Addiction Rehabilitation Centers offer 45-day residential programming with longer stay options available. Full daily schedules of psycho-educational and treatment groups are intertwined with individual counseling, leisure activities, relaxation, and nutritious meals. New Horizon Rehabilitation Centers support both abstinence based and Harm Reduction models of recovery. For those struggling with opioid addiction, in addition to abstinence based approaches, New Horizon offers evidence based Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) pathway options. Twelve Step Programs, counseling, educational, and treatment groups are incorporated throughout treatment and offer residents an opportunity to reconnect with a recovery community and to establish healthy relationships.

New Horizons Addiction Rehabilitation Centers integrate evidence based pharmacological treatments for the following substance use issues:
· Residential Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders
· Residential Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder
· Residential Treatment for Benzodiazepine Use Disorder
· Residential Treatment for Cocaine Use Disorder
· Residential Treatment for Cannabis Use Disorder
· Residential to Community Methadone/Suboxone Taper
· Intensive Aftercare Treatment Follow Up
· Residential to Community Methadone Taper

New Horizon Addiction Rehabilitation Centers for Men and Women
101 Bentinck St.
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 1G3


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