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Scott Sharplin
MemberID: scott-sharplin
Scott Sharplin is a freelance writer and theatre artist and an instructor at Cape Breton University. After growing up in Edmonton and studying playwriting in Montreal, Scott settled in Cape Breton to do the wife-house-car-dog-child thing. He is both active in, and a huge fan of, the Cape Breton theatre community. He also enjoys role-playing games, and even writes them professionally now and then. He lives in Sydney. - See more at: https://capebreton.lokol.me/gravespotting-holy-cross-lakeside-north-sydney#sthash.6ur91qEk.dpuf
Scott Sharplin is a freelance writer and theatre artist and an instructor at Cape Breton University. After growing up in Edmonton and studying playwriting in Montreal, Scott settled in Cape Breton to do the wife-house-car-dog-child thing. He is both active in, and a huge fan of, the Cape Breton theatre community. He also enjoys role-playing games, and even writes them professionally now and then. He lives in Sydney. - See more at: https://capebreton.lokol.me/gravespotting-holy-cross-lakeside-north-sydney#sthash.6ur91qEk.dpuf
is a freelance writer and theatre artist and an instructor at Cape Breton University. After growing up in Edmonton and studying playwriting in Montreal, Scott settled in Cape Breton to do the wife-house-car-dog-child thing. He is both active in, and a huge fan of, the Cape Breton theatre community. He also enjoys role-playing games, and even writes them professionally now and then. He lives in Sydney. - See more at: https://capebreton.lokol.me/gravespotting-holy-cross-lakeside-north-sydney#sthash.6ur91qEk.dpuf
Scott Sharplin is a freelance writer, theatre artist, and climate activist. He is the coordinator for the Cape Breton branch of Extinction Rebellion, an international action group working to accelerate the process of climate reform worldwide. He lives in Sydney with his family.
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