
In the Echo of the Tide spans 90 years and weaves a rich tapestry of the author’s personal experiences as well as historical context.  LeRoy Payne Peach’s life journey has taken him full circle—from his early years growing up in Port Morien, to his military service and time in the Canadian Arctic, to his extensive teaching career and ultimately his return home to Port Morien. This sweeping memoir offers insights into LeRoy’s personal growth and the evolution of his perspectives, presented in a poetic style that is uniquely his own.

Moreover, this memoir is very much a portrait of Port Morien, Cape Breton, reflecting the changes in the community and the broader society over nine decades. It is a fascinating personal narrative, yes, but it is also a valuable historical document that greatly contributes to the understanding of the region’s cultural heritage.

LeRoy (Payne) Peach spent three years in the Royal Canadian Air Force before entering Dalhousie University in 1954 to acquire a B.A. and B.Ed. In addition, he holds a M.Ed. from the University of Toronto.  He taught in Nova Scotia and Ontario schools for 30 years. In 1989, he retired to Port Morien, Cape Breton, together with his wife, Barbara, and was a community activist and newspaper columnist for many years. He is the author of seven books.

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