METI provides online safety courses to save you time and money.

Our online safety courses provide you or your company with a time-saving way to become safety-certified.

METI’s popular online safety courses are a quality, cost-effective eLearning solution to industry-approved safety training and certification.

Along with our safety training, courses & services and full-time programs, we accommodate over 700 managers globally, who train their employees with our online safety courses.

Our online safety courses are an ideal alternative for employers and managers, with our volume discount pricing, training reports, and manageable employee accounts.

You can purchase online safety courses from a large catalog of courses, store all training records in a secure repository, and receive personalized certificates.

Administration/Facilitation Control

Our ‘Administration/Facilitation Control’ is a unique feature that allows managers, supervisors, administrative staff and safety advisers to purchase, assign, review and monitor the training and certifications of all employees engaged in E-Learning and online safety courses.

As a facilitator (manager, supervisor), you can manage your users, assign new users, view and purchase credits, distribute online safety courses among your staff and view reports of your staff’s progress.

Online Safety Training Advantages

  • Employees trained via eLearning bring in 26% more revenue
  • eLearning training requires 40-60% less employee time than alternatives
  • Over 41% of Fortune 500 companies are using eLearning already
  • The eLearning industry has grown over 900% since 2000
  • METI’s popular online courses are industry-approved
  • Our online safety courses are designed and developed by our professional program development team and are geared to adult learners
  • Our online safety training saves you time and money
  • You and your team can train anywhere, anytime with our online courses
  • Our online safety training is mobile responsive, which means you can take them on tablets, iPads or smart phones

METI Poster.pdf

Maritime Environmental Training Institute is a private career college, providing Certified Environmental and Safety Training for Today’s Industries … Coast to Coast.

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Our online safety courses provide you or your company with a time-saving way to become safety-certified.
Living Education Skill Gaps


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