Some Millennials Just Don't Understand Reality.

Did you ever start browsing the internet researching one topic and then something is mentioned that leads to a different article or video that leads to another one and then all of a sudden your brain slams on the brakes and does a double-take because you just can't fathom that some people actually believe what you just read?

Tonight in the bottomless pit of social media that I was researching for a different project, I stumbled across a video that quoted an article in Rolling Stone by Jesse A. Myerson called Five Economic Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For. So I looked it up and sure enough, I found the article he wrote back in 2014 and it made my head hurt more than a chocolate ice cream brain freeze. He wrote:

"Because as much as unemployment blows, so do jobs. What if people didn’t have to work to survive? Enter the jaw-droppingly simple idea of a universal basic income, in which the government would just add a sum sufficient for subsistence to everyone’s bank account every month."

I shouldn't have to state obvious, but if you agree with that nonsense and no one has to actually work, who will do the work that needs to be done?

Do you think the person who collects your garbage dreamed of doing that for a living when they were a young child? Do you actually believe they would still do it if money magically appeared in their bank account each month? Who then will collect the garbage? Who will wait tables in restaurants or clean those dirty dishes? Who will serve you at convenience stores? Who will take your calls when you have an issue with your phone bill, or your cellphone or computer needs troubleshooting? I've worked all of those jobs and I can tell you with all certainty that none of them were on my list of what I wanted to be when I grew up.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a policeman. I wanted to make movies and write books. I wanted to be a musician and have my songs played on the radio. I wanted to be a teacher...

Other than a cop, I have been fortunate enough to have done all of those things. I've never been a teacher in the classic sense, but I have taught guitar and recording lessons, I volunteered as a preschool teacher, was a trainer for a fortune 500 company and I do create online courses so I guess that's close enough, but none of those things happened just because I felt like I was entitled to it. I worked for it.

I cleaned dirty dishes, waited tables and worked my way up to a cook until I eventually opened my own restaurant. I mopped floors, cleaned toilets and worked on the back of a garbage truck. I laboured on a factory line and I worked as a telemarketer selling long-distance plans. I worked a lot of jobs that I hated because I didn't have the dazed and confused belief that just because I was breathing meant I was entitled to whatever I wanted without ever having to lift a finger.

That's just not how life or reality works. Yet this guy believes millennials should be fighting for the right to never have to actually work. But he doesn't stop there. He went on to write:

"Imagine a world where people could contribute the skills that inspire them – teaching, tutoring, urban farming, cleaning up the environment, painting murals – rather than telemarketing or whatever other stupid tasks bosses need done…"

Wait... what?

People should be able to just paint murals if that's what inspires them instead of doing the stupid tasks that bosses need done? In what universe does that even make sense? So in this person's alternate reality where common sense and actually working for a living is frowned upon, the entire population is paid to just sit at home because the basic necessities are magically paid for, and those who want a little extra can work a job - but they don't have to actually work and do what needs to be done, they can just go paint pretty murals instead. He's delusional.

How quickly do you think the world's economy would collapse and throw us back into the dark ages? "Dark" being the operative word because nobody is actually doing anything to keep the lights on - they're all out painting murals of rainbows and unicorns in this fantasy world they think they're living in.

Sorry for skipping over microaggression and going straight to physical aggression, but somebody needs to slap some sense into these people.

I've heard a lot of talk about millennials and I'm guilty of calling a few of them snowflakes because of some of the silly things they said, but a part of me always felt a little guilty because they really couldn't be that bad could they? Deep down they're not really serious... are they?

I stopped feeling guilty for calling them snowflakes when I read that article in Rolling Stone about what they should be fighting for; now I'm afraid for my grandchildren.

Millennials claim we left them a hell-hole of a world, and some of that you can't really argue with, but the world my grandchildren are inheriting will be infinitely worse if this type of absurd, delusional thinking is allowed to continue.

What do you think? Do we have to stop catering to their I'm-offended-by-everything disposition and force them to face the harsh reality that the world just doesn't work like that nor should they want it to? Do you think this type of thinking has changed since that 2014 article or has it just gotten worse? 

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The Fundamentals of Screenwriting and Story Structure 
is a new video training series created from the trenches of low and no-budget indie filmmaking by Cape Breton indie filmmaker, Kenn Crawford.

The course includes:

  • 3 1/2 hours of on-demand video
  • 15 articles
  • a downloadable, 34-page workbook with practice exercises and online resources

This course will teach you what you really need to know to get your filmmaking ideas out of your head and on the written page as a properly formatted screenplay.

What you will learn:

  • How to develop believable characters that the audience can relate to
  • How to write realistic dialogue
  • Screenplay formatting
  • You'll learn about Action, Suspense, Drama & Conflict
  • Screenplay elements
  • Where to find ideas
  • Basic filmmaking principals so you can write a screenplay that can be shot by low and no-budget filmmakers, and so much more.

For more information and to watch the free preview lesson, CLICK HERE 


For more information and to watch the free preview lesson, CLICK HERE 

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An article I read was by someone who believes millennials should be fighting for the right to never have to actually work.
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