Miners Museum Announces First Lamplight Gala

Cape Breton N.S. – The Board of Directors, management and staff at the Cape Breton Miners Museum, home of the world-famous Men of the Deeps choir, are preparing for their first-ever gala fundraiser to support ongoing renovations being made to the museum.

The aptly named Lamplight Gala will take place on Saturday, November 13, 2021, at 7 pm and features premium entertainment, a silent/live auction, food and beverage stations and more. Entertainers for the evening will be the world-famous Men of the Deeps and Cape Breton’s very own Island Girls (Bette MacDonald, Heather Rankin, Lucy MacNeil and Jenn Sheppard) plus a surprise special guest. Dinner music will be provided by Aaron Lewis and Kimberly Fraser and the evening will be hosted by Maynard Morrison.

Miners Museum Executive Director Mary Pat Mombourquette says it will be an event to remember. “We’ve been working hard to make this an immersive experience so that those attending feel like they’re part of something special. We want to celebrate our history of mining and culture, give people an understanding of where we’re headed and hopefully inspire some acts of generosity and support for our renovation project.” 

Although the fundraiser is to benefit the C.B. Miners Museum, the Lamplight Gala will take place at the newly renovated Miners Forum, the former Bayplex, to accommodate tables of ten, auction space and a stage for entertainers. Miners Museum Board Member Candee McCarthy says the goal for the design of the space will be reminiscent of an elegant version of an underground mine. “We’re attempting to mimic that in the decor, with the black of coal and highlights of amber and gold, including artifacts from the museum itself,” she says. “We think it’s going to be magical. A perfect night out.”

Men of the Deeps Conductor Stephen Muise says the museum renovation is very important to the welfare of the island going forward, “We can’t underestimate the importance of our Miners Museum; the place where our island’s stories are kept, retold and protected. The Men of the Deeps call it home and welcome visitors by the hundreds, from all over the globe, to share our culture through story and song. We have to support and nurture this building.” 

Tickets for the Lamplight Gala are $100 per seat and are already selling briskly throughout the business community. Tables of ten are also available. The Cape Breton Miners Museum would like to acknowledge the kindness and support of their presenting sponsor, Seaside Cable. Tickets are available by calling the museum at 902-849-4522 from 9am - 4pm Monday-Friday. 


EVENT: Cape Breton Miners Museum Lamplight Gala

LOCATION: Miners Forum, Glace Bay (former Bayplex)

DATE: Saturday, November 13, 2021

TIME: Doors 6:30 pm Event starts: 7 pm

ENTERTAINMENT: Mainstage: Men of the Deeps, Island Girls + surprise guest 

Dinner Music: Aaron Lewis & Kimberly Fraser

HOSTED BY: Maynard Morrison

PRICE: $100 per seat or $1000 per table

TICKETS: By phone 902.849.4522 (Weekdays 9 am - 4 pm If calling after hours, please leave message)


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The Cape Breton Miners Museum invites patrons to experience an elegant evening in a Cape Breton coal mine.
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Kel donovan Follow Me
100.00?Come on bie,I gotta pay oil bill eh.Good luck to all them millionaires there bie,hope they have a good time.:)

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