Most Positive Cape Breton Story...Ever

Cape Breton Post reported, pen was put to paper on Tuesday morning to complete a historic agreement that will bring labour stability to Cape Breton’s construction industry over the next 5 years. The construction industry is buzzing with a number of major construction projects underway or planned: • NSCC downtown campus • Cape Breton Regional Hospital expansion (Sydney, New Waterford, North Sydney) • CBU Accessible Reno + Center for Discovery and Innovation • New Horizon Achievement Centre • Protocase expansion • Breton Ability Center for youth with autism • Eskasoni Long Term Care • Palliative Care - Hospice Residence • Former Sydney train station redevelopment • Former Cape Breton Post and Smart Set redevelopments • Road, water and sewer projects An estimated $1.5 billion combined total...this is an amazing number, which should be celebrated, it will be an enormous lift to our local economy and holds promise to a very prosperous future. Derek Mombourquette reminded the audience of promises made, promises kept. “Many people never believed us at the time,” Mombourquette told the tradespeople in attendance. “You guys held out hope, but the community was a little bit surprised we were as aggressive as we were with some of the commitments we made. Fast forward to today — everything is under construction. So, everything the government wanted to accomplish to date has started and I can tell you that is not the end.” The total or article did not mention other large projects nearing completion: The Convent, Miners forum, CBRPS Glace Bay, S&L Trail, and the Membertou Commercial building, to name a few. All these projects are fantastic and hope as a result of the spin-offs, they create new business opportunities.

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