Mountain Pine Adventures - South Harbour, NS

The Cabot Trail of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia has some of the most bountiful wildlife and sea life existences in Canada. Here at Mountain Pine Adventures, we share and deliver a very passionate & personal connection with nature & all of its beautiful wonders as a full service adventure company that offers all of Cape Breton's natural beauties and experiences through our unique services.

Gourmet Adventure Tours
We guide our guests through various breathtaking hikes and trails of Cape Breton while our highly experienced and certified licensed guides provide local history & heritage, biology & geology, all coupled with a gourmet offering of delicious food using only fresh local ingredients prepared over wood fire on location for an unparalleled tour experience that only Mountain Pine Adventures can offer.

Mountain Pine Ziplining
A high action zipline course exhibiting two 500 ft runs. Zipping through the air at invigorating speeds, passing over rivers from high above. An experiential treetop adventure with vast views of the Ocean and Mountains!!

30001 Cabot Trail

South Harbour, NS B0C 1G0

T: 902-565-4153

E: [email protected]


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A full service adventure company that offers all of Cape Breton's natural beauties and experiences through our unique services.
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