Must Watch Video. The Inverness Airport.

Watch this video. 


It contains new, interesting information about the proposed Inverness airport. 

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Richard Collis Follow Me
I notice the number 20 % poverty. I understand its is closer to 51.2 % child poverty in the CBRM and God knows what the senior poverty level is. Taxpayers dollars being used yet again to please the 1 %. We have , an airport in Margaree, Port Hastings and Sydney. Another airport is the least thing we need here right now. Roger Cuzner should hold his head in shame, the highest child and senior poverty in the country, the highest un-employment ever on CBI, a health care crisis like never before in his constituency , Money talks and politicians listen to every word money has to say. Ever notice how many politicians are in the 1% club?
Ken Walsh Follow Me
You nailed it Richard. Keiser had been predicting the public would pay for his airport for years so he must of known Cuzner was planning to do it. However Cuzner wasn't brave enough then but suddenly developed a backbone when he knew he didn't have to campaign to be re-elected and in in a real gutless move did it in the final few months. That Seinfeld / Buffet story he applied to the Strait airport was idiotic and if anything it fits perfectly with the proposed Inverness one.

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