Name That Trail

CBRM is fully committed now to the new ATV Trail they created in our backyards in District 10 & 9.

They even have a survey out to name that trail! Here is the link: Name That Trail

I was a little disappointed in the survey because I was hoping it would be an open ended survey where I could enter my own suggestions that reflected the current social impact rather than our wonderful past or even what it could have been. I would have suggested the following names just because this is how I personally feel about this trail, not because it really should be named this:

  1. "The Bait & Switch Trail". This one because CBRM council (before 2020 election) promised residents an Active Transportation Trail and then at the last moment gave us an ATV Trail. I feel that a Bait & Switch was pulled on me.
  2. "The Big Lie Trail". This because up until 2019 the CBRM council (before 2020 election) kept telling us (Public slide decks and CB Post articles) that they will build an Active Transportation Trail (and spending it's budget, AFAIK) but there is no indication, that I can see, other than the printed words that they planned on giving the residents an Active Transportation Trail.
  3. "The ATVANS Trail". This one because I feel that the ATV Association of Nova Scotia really owns the trail more than residents who's community it passes through. And also because it is now an ATV trail so might as well get ATV in the title?

Have any suggestions of your own that are not on the survey?

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