New Air Canada Route Added for YQY Airport

The JA Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport is very pleased to advise the Cape Breton community that Air Canada is adding more choice for travellers from Cape Breton this summer, with a new daily direct service from Sydney to Montreal starting June 28th through September 2nd.
The departing flight will leave Sydney at 6:00am, offering passengers the convenience of same day connections through Montreal to the many worldwide destinations serviced by Air Canada.

We understand that air service is a critical factor for economic development and tourism on Cape Breton Island and we encourage island businesses and residents to support this new service and your local airport when you fly.

The Sydney Airport Authority is a not-for-profit society, committed to the betterment of the community and the local economy by providing quality, safe and accessible aviation services and facilities to the people and businesses of Cape Breton Island.

The Sydney Airport Authority and our service partners continuously work together to improve customer service as is demonstrated by Air Canada’s commitment to offer this new direct service between Sydney and Montreal. We are hopeful that with the support of the Cape Breton community, this new service will prove to be successful.

Details of the Air Canada service between Sydney and Montreal:
ROUTE Frequency Departing Arriving Effective
Sydney-Montreal Daily 06:00 a.m. 07:05 a.m. June 28, 2019
Montreal-Sydney Daily 13:40 p.m. 16:40 p.m. June 28, 2019

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