New Low-Cost Counselling Clinic

Thoughtful Changes Mental Health Organization is a non-profit social enterprise whose mission is to offer affordable e-counselling to the province of Nova Scotia. We are a pioneering, warm community of professional counsellors who offer low-cost counselling to individuals who are facing financial barriers to accessing mental health counselling services. Our counsellors will work with you to determine a sliding scale session rate based on what you can afford. 

Our counsellors work in a short-term model of practice, so we limit counselling to a maximum of 12 sessions so that we can keep our wait times low and support as many people as possible. If you need additional support we will work on a case-by-case basis.

We charge $50 for your first intake appointment. During this intake, our counsellors will assess your capacity to pay for counselling and together you will set an ongoing session fee, ranging from $50 – $80 per session for individual counselling. 

If you are interested in becoming a client please contact us at 902-932-7122 or visit our website


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New Low-Cost Counselling Clinic Nova Scotia
Directory Health & Wellness Psychiatry, Counselling Location CBRM Location First Nations Location Inverness Location Nova Scotia Location Richmond Location Victoria


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