New Sydney Waterfront Development On CBRM Council Meeting Agenda


Future of Sydney Waterfront Development on The Agenda of

December 10th CBRM Council Meeting

Sydney, NS- The Cape Breton-Victoria Central Library Advocacy Committee will be on the agenda of the December 10th, 2019 CBRM Council meeting to make the case for the extension of a contract for the continued development of Sydney Waterfront Development Project, inclusive of a new central library.


Following a public call for expressions of interest about eighteen months ago, Cape Breton headquartered Harbour Royal Development Limited (HRDL) was selected by CBRM council to undertake the phased implementation of the Sydney Downtown Revitalization Plan. At the time, Council unanimously approved HRDL’s concept for a multi-use waterfront development project to be advanced in phases. The first element of the plan includes three major structures – an apartment complex, office tower and a new central library. HRDL was granted 18 months to submit a project development plan. During that time significant work has been undertaken by HRDL including an environmental assessment that has confirmed the suitability of the waterfront site. Encouraged with these results, HRDL has requested a contract extension from CBRM to continue its work on the development, and to enable CBRM to continue to advance discussions for the funding of the  new central library.


“The new library is vitally important to the future of our community, and support for the project across the community is obvious and broadly based. What we have learned in our role as advocates is that modern libraries, locally, nationally and internationally are a defining piece of a progressive community’s infrastructure because of their capacity for openness and caring, creativity and innovation, resiliency and economic growth. A new library on the Sydney Waterfront will define this community going forward and will be a driver for our economy, encourage investment and help to expand the social and cultural capital within our community,” says Kathleen Yurchesyn, Advocacy Committee Spokesperson.


Prior to the recent Federal election conversations between the three levels of government on a new library were moving forward. At the time, there was a willingness on the part of the federal government to consider a joint Provincial-CBRM application for financial cost-sharing.


Research undertaken by the Advocacy Committee on the economic impact of libraries shows that they generate several times more in benefits than they cost. Broadly speaking, the economic impact felt by the communities from dollars spent on libraries is considerable. The published data indicate a return on investment many multiples beyond cost. What these numbers tell us and what should be clear to elected leadership is that the allocation of public money to an essential piece of public infrastructure like a library is both logical and economically prudent.


The Cape Breton Central Library Advocacy Committee has been promoting a new central library for the past fifteen months. Advocacy committee members are from the following organizations: Cape Breton Partnership, Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Sydney Downtown Development Association, the Municipality of County of Victoria, Sydney Ports Corporation, YMCA of Cape Breton, theBoys and Girls Clubs of Cape Breton- Whitney Pier Youth Club,and the Undercurrent Youth Centre.




For information contact:

Kathleen Yurchesyn,

Chief Executive Officer

Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce

902-578-4029 | [email protected]

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NEWS RELEASE: Future of Sydney Waterfront Development on The Agenda of December 10th CBRM Council Meeting
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