Next UNESCO World Heritage site?

Time to put it back into Canadian ownership and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Canada's first Prime Minister John A MacDonald stood on the shores of Grand Narrows and said that is where the bridge will go. This right of way was expropriated from our Ancestors and should be protected. It was a mistake to sell this Right of Way and now is the time for our governments to correct it. If it is a Railway or a Trail, this Right of Way needs to be protected.

Could this be included with the Bras D'or Lakes Biosphere Reserve to qualify as a UNESCO World Heritage Site ?
Now, for the first time in over a decade, Canadians have the opportunity to suggest additions to that list. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, Catherine McKenna, has launched the call for nominations for Canada’s next set of candidates for World Heritage Sites.
Applications should conform to World Heritage standards. They must demonstrate that the proposed site has potential Outstanding Universal Value – the core requirement for all sites inscribed on the World Heritage List – by satisfying one or more of ten natural and cultural criteria. They must also meet additional World Heritage requirements for integrity and authenticity, be effectively managed and protected, and enjoy broad local supportCanadian ownership and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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