Before the Internet, we had clotheslines and the junglebush. Before hashtags we had nicknames. In New Waterford, it seems, almost everyone had one. Albert MacDonald of New Waterford brought me his list about 20 years ago. If you can add to it feel free. Here’s the names beginning with…
Lackey MacIsaac
Laddie Micholsky
Lala Murray
Lamb Pendergast
Lame Hughie MacNeil
Lankey Sampson
Lash MacNeil
Lard Beaton
Leakey Sampson
Leakey Roof Rutledge
Lefty MacNeil
Leprechuan Doucette
Lestoil MacDonald
Lex MacDonald
Lexi MacNeil
Libby LeBlanc
Lick Boudreau
Limp MacLean
Lingan MacNeil
Little Beaver Viva
Little Arrows Corbett
Little Giant Murray
Liver Lip Crombie
Liver Sampson
Liquor Store Jack Beaton
Lizzard MacNeil
Lonnie Nearing
Loud Betty MacDonald
Looking Glass Joe LeBlanc
Louse Price
Loxy MacDonald
Loo Jack MacKinnon
Ludy Kalbhen
Lugs MacNeil
Lump Leudy
Lumber Dude MacDonald
Lunch Box Gillis
Lusty Horvath
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