
Nicknames of New Waterford - T

Before the Internet, we had clotheslines and the junglebush. Before hashtags we had nicknames. In New Waterford, it seems, almost everyone had one. Albert MacDonald of New Waterford brought me his list about 20 years ago. If you can add to it feel free. Here’s more names beginning with…


Tackers Sullivan

Taits Springall

Tank MacDonald

Tantz Kearney

Tanner Fortune

Tas Blanchard

Tat Tatlock

Tax MacNeil

Taxi MacDonald

Tea Pot Boudreau

Teedie Cameron

Telephone Mick MacNeil

Termite Gillis

Tessie MacDonald

Tex MacLelllan

Tick Gillis

Tie Her Up Hector MacEachern

Tigh Kavanaugh

Tiger MacPhee

Tiny MacDonald

Tiny Tim Odo

Titchy MacDonald

Tippy Currie

Thirty Days MacKiknnon

Toad Hall

Tabacco Tonary

Tobby MacLellan

Todds Young

Toddie MacLean

Toe Nails MacKinnon

Tom Cat MacIsaac

Tom Mix Tighe

Tommy Gun Spencer

Toodles Worell

Toots MacNeil

Topper MacDonald

Tords MacPherson

Tottles Nathanson

Toug Ross

Toy Lion Nemis

Trainor Desveaux

Transister Mary Metish

Trickey Farrel

Trudeau Walsh

Tub MacIsaac

Tucker Leadbetter

Tud MacQuarrie

Tudey MacDonald

Tuffy MacDonald

Tugger Fortune

Tu Na Half Penny

Tunny Wilson

Turk Walker

Turners MacDonald

Turn Around MacKinnon

Turp MacLean

Turtle MacLean

Tweedie Arsenault

Tweedle Corbett

Tweezers MacPherson

Twid MacDougall

Twitter Gorman

Two Bucks Pettigrew

Two Guns Baker

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Before the Internet, we had clotheslines and the junglebush. Before hashtags we had nicknames.
A&E Humor


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