Nominations Open For 2022 Excellence in Business Awards

The Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for the 32nd Excellence in Business Awards.

The nomination process is open to the public, and is the community’s opportunity to nominate an individual, business, or organization that has pushed themselves to make an impact on our community over the past year.


There are 12 award categories this year:

  • Business of the Year
  • New Business of the Year
  • Schwartz Family Business Person of the Year
  • Jack Yazer Young Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Newcomer Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Beyond Borders Exporter of the Year Award
  • Charitable Committee or Organization of the Year
  • Community Impact Award
  • Innovation and Advancement Award
  • Social Enterprise of the Year
  • Workplace Excellence Award
  • New in 2022: Economic Development Leadership Award


“We are very excited to introduce a new category this year; the Economic Development Leadership Award,” says Jenna Lahey, CEO of the Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce. “This award recognizes the support organizations involved in making the Cape Breton Regional Municipality a great place to live and do business. The nominee plays a role in projects and initiatives that are having a substantive economic impact in the community, including through employment supports, business supports, among many other factors.”


Additionally, there is an opportunity to nominate an individual or business within the Cape Breton Regional Municipality for the following People’s Choice Award categories which help to create a short list of businesses that will then go to a public vote later in the summer:


  • Favourite Place to Shop
  • Favourite Place to Eat
  • Favourite Community Project
  • Best Social Media Channel
  • Best Customer Service


Nominations will be accepted through our online form from today, June 16th, until July 31st, 2022 at midnight. All nomination forms can be found by visiting the Chamber’s website at, and the community is encouraged to nominate individuals and businesses in more than one category.


Once the award nomination period closes, all completed and eligible nominations will be sent to our region-wide judging committee, comprised of business leaders in our community, who will independently evaluate each nomination submission, based on a pre-determined set of standards. Each category will then be shortlisted to three category finalists, with each category finalist announced in early September, and the winners of each award category announced at the awards gala in October 2022.


The 32nd Excellence in Business Awards Gala will take place at the conclusion of National Small Business Week, on the evening of Friday, October 21st, 2022, at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre.

Sponsorship opportunities are now available for the awards gala, and the Chamber encourages businesses to reach out directly to the Chamber team if they are interested in speaking opportunities at the gala. Please contact Jenna at [email protected] or 902-564-6453.

Media Contact

Cameron MacDonald

Communications & Member Relations

Cape Breton Regional Chamber of Commerce

902-564-6453 | [email protected]

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