Now Hiring!

Digital Communications and Office Assistant Intern

The Sydney and Area Chamber of Commerce is looking to hire an enthusiastic, self-directed
and exceptionally organized student for the summer months. This role will be dynamic and
fast-paced, with the opportunity to hone and further develop a variety of skill sets, including but
not limited to, marketing, content creation, strategic planning, accounting, event coordination,
website development, membership engagement, social media planning, etc. The successful
candidate must be able to identify opportunities, bring ideas to the team and follow through on
tasks and projects.

The Digital Communications and Office Assistant Intern will be a valued member of a small
team by supporting the implementation of the organizational strategy. If you are not afraid to ask
questions, work independently and collaboratively, have a keen interest in marketing and
communications as well as performing administrative duties and have a positive attitude, we
want to meet you!


  • Social media content development
  • Content writing for the web
  • Blogging (curated and branded content)
  • Support implementation of the strategic plan for the Chamber
  • Data input in Quickbooks accounting software
  • Updating Membership database
  • Development of membership engagement materials and programs
  • Support the planning of fall events including the Excellence in Business Awards, luncheons and Business after hours


Current post-secondary student returning to their studies in September 2018

  • Exceptionally strong writer
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Very strong oral skills
  • Self-directed and works to exceed expectations
  • Strategic thinker and disciplined executer
  • Ability to work with deadlines and multi-task on several projects
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work in a team environment and also independently

Dates of Employment: June 18th - August 17th 2018


Salary: $11/hour (35 hours/week)


Location: Charlotte Street, Sydney




Deadline: Please email your cover letter and resume to

[email protected] by May 31st. Interviews

will take place the week of June 4th 2018.

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