NSCC Strait Area Campus

Contact Us

(902) 625-2380 | strait.info@nscc.ca | Student Services: (902) 625-4017

Mailing Address
226 Reeves Street
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2A2
Fax: (902) 625-0193

Located in Port Hawkesbury, the Strait Area Campus offers an extensive range of programs. The Campus is home to the Nautical Institute that provides Transport Canada-approved marine training. Facilities for marine training include a wave tank, fire training centre and state-of-the-art simulators for propulsion systems, navigation and global communications. Students enjoy a spacious and friendly campus environment, amazing outdoor spaces and trails, as well as excellent recreation fitness and entertainment services that are offered in the area year-round. The Strait Area Campus also offers programs in Wagmatcook First Nation at the renovated Wagmatcook Learning Centre.
Published on Jul 21, 2014

For more information about NSCC's Strait Area Campus: http://bit.ly/1q32gAf 

Everyone is made to feel like they're home when at NSCC Strait Area Campus. Located in Port Hawkesbury, NS, the campus is home to the Nautical Institute that provides Transport Canada-approved marine training. Facilities for marine training include a wave tank, fire training centre and state-of-the-art simulators for propulsion. Other programs include Carpentry, Electrical, Business Admin, Office Admin, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts. The campus also offers programs in Wagmatcook First Nation.

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Contact Us (902) 625-2380 | strait.info@nscc.ca | Student Services: (902) 625-4017 Mailing Address 226 Reeves Street Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2A2
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