NSEF Protests Start Tomorrow.....

Hello Dear NSEF Followers. We have said time and time again, that when the province calls an election, that we will be protesting those MLA’s who have ignored the NSEF and our requests to meetings. Well, that time has come, and we are letting you know now that we will be starting tomorrow to protest. We will first go to Mr. Derek Mombourquette’s constituency office on Kings Road (Cabot House) from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm and then we will make our way to Brian Comer’s office in Sydney River (next to Kenny’s Pizza) for 2:30pm to 3:30 pm. The next day (Friday), we will attend Murray Ryan’s office for 10:00 am on Commercial Street in North Sydney (174 Commercial Street). Please remember all the times you have witnessed us send emails and requests to these three MLA’s from CBRM where we asked them to just meet with us and hear our arguments about equalization. These three MLA’s have refused and ignored every request that we have sent. This is our right to let the public know that these three MLA’s have ignored us 100% on this serious issue. The NSEF will attend these offices with Board Members, volunteers, and some loyal supporters. We do not want the public to attend to keep everyone safe but feel free to drive by and blow your horns. While we appreciate all the support from the followers to attend with us, your health and safety is more important, and we do not want to put anyone in danger. The Board Members and the volunteers will stay 6 feet apart and wear masks at each location and we will keep our numbers around 40 people total. The NSEF thanks you for your understanding and we look forward to the day when we can have a thousand people at a protest because we know how much you all care about this island and our future.

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