Office of the Minister of Finance responds to NSEF

From: Albert Maroun <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, May 30, 2018 at 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: In response to your correspondence referred to the Minister of Finance
To: "MinFinance / FinanceMin (FIN)" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau & Ministers:
The letter that has been sent to the NSEF from Bill Morneau explaining that the Provinces may do what they wish with the Equalization transfer was received after many months of waiting.  We understand the wording used as "unconditional" transfer but what about our Rights and Freedoms as Canadian citizens as stated in Section 36.2 of the Canada Constitution. 
We are being abused badly by the Provincial Capital in Nova Scotia.  We pay 87% higher property taxes in CBRM (Sydney, N.S.) and 67% higher commercial taxes than that of Halifax.  We have not seen any funds spent on infrastructure on Cape Breton Island in 20 years now.  We have the highest child poverty rates, highest unemployment rates, highest homeless rates and the list goes on and on.  Halifax is growing at record speeds while the rest of rural Nova Scotia is dying.  5 towns have dissolved now and 6 more have applied to dissolve due to the under funding from the Nova Scotia capital.  The Nova Scotia government puts all the equalization transfer in the general revenue fund and does not give CBRM its fair towards infrastructure and tax reduction as per Derek Mombourquette's (Minister of Municipal Affairs) comments in a recent Cape Breton Post story, stating CBRM gets $15 million from a grant in lieu of taxes from Nova Scotia Power.
The people on Cape Breton Island are extremely unhappy with both levels of government for not helping the people of this beautiful island.  We have written Jody Wilson-Raybould many emails and even had letters hand delivered but we hear nothing back.  Even your recent "town hall" meetings when you came to Nova Scotia you stated "I want to know what is on the mind of Nova Scotians" was a slap in the face to us. Halifax does not represent all Nova Scotia and most Nova Scotians live in rural areas and not Halifax.
The Federal Government is responsible to look after the Rights and Freedoms of its citizens and ours are being violated but when the powers to be in Ottawa will not acknowledge or respond to our cries for help, what are we to do?  The people of Cape Breton are getting so upset that every second person is talking about separating from the mainland and becoming a territory.  The protests are becoming stronger and louder and this movement will continue to grow until the Federal Government will address our problems against the bully that is the Nova Scotia Provincial Government. The NSEF posts all communication with all level of government on social media, so thousands of people ware waiting to hear a response back from you and how you will help us.  Please do not ignore the people who put you in power during the last election. The people of Cape Breton feel like they live in a dictatorship and not a democracy.
Dr. Rev Albert Maroun 

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On January 18th, the Office of the Minister of Finance acknowledged receipt of our correspondence. On May 29th, we received a reply.
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Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
So Mr. Morneau would like us to bring this matter to the attention of the Minister responsible within the provincial government. Oh yes, that is Derek Mombourquette. The guy who will not see, meet or talk to us unless it is on the protest line and cameras are present. Stephen McNeil, Karen Casey & Derek Monbourquette need to meet with the board of the NSEF and there needs to be members of the community present as well. The NSEF will send out these invites right now and see how we make out. We will keep you informed on our progress. NSEF
Martha Ross Follow Me
We have to continue as NSEF Board Members and the many volunteers, supporters to keep strong. I think Derek Mombourquette came out to the protest last week,where he wasn't wanted or invited,trying to sway the people that he is working on fixing the equalization system. Well the people wern't fooled one bit Derek. Get back and earn your high paying job, by doing a proper job as an MLA..........Posted by: Martha Ross
Brenda Matheson Follow Me
We must be on the same wave length with the democracy vs dictatorship
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Quote from Jody Wilson-Raybould. Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould tweeted, "As a country we can and must do better – I am committed to working every day to ensure justice for all Canadians," Well Minister Wilson-Raybould, why will not speak to us at the NSEF regarding our constitutional rights with regards to over taxation and equalization? Say one thing and do another. Typical.
Martha Ross Follow Me
WE the Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness have being sending letters & placing phone calls to the Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould since she was first elected almost three years ago. She is not ensuring justice for all Canadians.We here in the CBRM have been completely ignored,and I know there is many,many other stories across this great country about this Minister of Justice neglect of the people who she is suppose to serve as a well paid employee.
Shirley MacLeod Follow Me
Nothing but disappoitment with the replies from all government members.,both federally & provincial. They keep passing thatsame answer back & forth. But they keep coming up with money for other areas for Golfing ,esp. My goodness,the money they spend on things we never see. Private planes flying in to airports that were not used in 50 + years. These had to be upgraded to serve how many people ,while we ,in CB 7 rural NS have people going hungry. We are living under the rule of morons who have destroyed our Healthcare & Education SystemsWe will remember at the polls on Election Day..
Martha Ross Follow Me
Hi Shirley........Thank you for your are exactly right about everything you say here. Where does the injustice stop with this N.S. government. They are clueless when it comes to running a province, so many things that need to be looked after but they continue to waste. We the people need to take back our power and take a strong stand. We will be protesting in front of the legislature when it re-opens in the fall and there will continue to be protests and many other things will take place until the government sits with the NFEF Board.
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