OMG. Mayor McDougall is a member of the political establishment.

According to SaltWire, “David Delaney maintains a keen interest in local politics. His column appears regular in the Cape Breton Post and on He lives in Albert Bridge.

I just read Mr Delaney’s latest offering at The Post. He hearts Nova Scotia Equalization Fairness for keeping CBRM the council’s “feet to the fire” when it comes to NSEF’s agenda.

Fair enough.

But this is not what interested me when reading

Hold politicians accountable when promises are broken

Spoiler Alert: Mr. David Delaney, in his most recent column in The Post, reveals that CBRM Mayor Amanda MacDougall is a “member of the political establishment.”

(OMG. What about Earlene?)

What does Delaney mean, exactly, when he writes than Mayor MacDougall is member of the political establishment?

(Grab some popcorn.)

It goes like this, in Delaney’s article. You can read it here.

There is a mob.

Mr. Delaney and his readers, he supposes, are part of this mob.

The mob wants to wield pitchforks and screech bitterly about their political woes and demands.

There is a political establishment.

Mayor MacDougall, according to Mr. Delaney, is part of this pitch-fork-less organization.

The establishment just wants the mob to go away. And not to bother them. Ever again.

Yes, this is a boiled-down, silly version of what Delaney is saying, but it is also what he is saying.

It is not useful to label people as either wielding a pitchfork or not.

There is not a mob and an evil establishment. There are all kinds of people on the island, and they all want things to be better.

  • They want to see a functional political system. 
  • They want jobs that pay enough money. 
  • They want to protect our natural environment.
  • They want better roads. 
  • They want stronger communities. 
  • They want great schools for our kids.

May I suggest, Mr. Delaney, that you ditch the labels? 

Or at least throw in a zombie or two with your imagined mob. Maybe it will lead to a more interesting storyline.

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