Will you be patronizing the new Starbucks?

With extra Flair!

With less than a week until the brand new Starbucks opens on Welton Street, some of us at goCapeBreton.com are wondering how Capers will react to the new, fancy coffee player in town. We have some questions, such as: 

1. Are you missing $8 lattes in your life?

2. What is a skinny peppermint mocha?

3. Can Starbucks really compete with the near pathological love for Tim's?

4. Are you going to patronize this new, swanky coffee establishment?

5. Isn't that the old liquor store?

So let us know what you think? Are you excited? Slightly offended? Itchy? Let us know in the comments below.

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Dan Yakimchuk Follow Me
I hear they have some exiting opening promotional campaigns. They somehow managed to hook local celebrity Dr. StrangeJob who will be there to roll up the dim. He will be selling discarded “roll up the rim” cups from the two Tim’s up the street for a buck a piece. Don’t miss your chance to be star struck at Starbucks. http://www.drstrangejob.ca/
James MacKinnon Follow Me
Doktor Lukes or bust.
David Williams Follow Me
For sure. They hired a ton of people so why not support the place the odd time? I mean, it's like a weekly treat, not an every day purchase.
Kevin Kanarek Follow Me
ok so which is in higher demand in this region: 1)overpriced coffee 2) liquor stores (which this building formerly had been) b/c it's sounding like the shortage might actually be of the latter

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