
How do YOU feel about the Green Cove War Memorial? Say it here!

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  START: Thursday, May 28, 2015 2:30PM AT 
  END:  Thursday, June 4, 2015 10:30PM AT

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The proposed War Memorial has stirred controversy in our community. Submit your opinion here and goCapeBreton.com will send all community feedback to Parks Canada. 

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  1. Click the LIKE button if you like the idea of the War Memorial. Or, click DISLIKE if you do not.  You need a free goCapeBreton.com membership to do so -  sign up now .

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Alternatively, you can send your own comments directly to  Parks Canada using the contact information at bottom of this page.  

Please note that goCapeBreton.com is not affiliated with Parks Canada. We have not been commissioned or requested to collect this community feedback. We are doing so because we feel it will be helpful for our community to have an easy way to voice its opinion in a meaningful and respectful way.

The Green Cove War Memorial

Video of a 3D model of the Memorial

Parks Canada is seeking public opinion regarding the proposed Green Cove War Memorial before work begins preparing the site for construction as early as this fall.  Parks Canada said on its website it plans to review the draft report, public comments, as well as the forthcoming Mi'kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study before determining the impact on the Green Cove site. 

The Never Forgotten National Memorial will include a 24-meter high statue, nicknamed "Mother Canada" facing out over the Atlantic Ocean toward France and the Canadian National Vimy Memorial. The costs for the project have ranged between $30 million and $60 million, and is a privately funded initiative in partnership with the federal government.

Find more details on the Parks Canada website:  

So, What do you think Cape Breton? Will the War Memorial be good or bad for our community? 

Add your thoughts and goCapeBreton.com will share this post with Parks Canada. 

There are two ways you can participate - choose one or both: 

  1. Click the LIKE button if you like the idea of the War Memorial. Or, click DISLIKE if you do not.  
    You need a free goCapeBreton.com membership to do so -  sign up now 
  2. Add a COMMENT at the bottom of this page.

Use Facebook or your  goCapeBreton.com membership 

Alternatively, you can send your own comments directly to Parks Canada   

Mail: Never Forgotten National Memorial Project

Parks Canada, 259 Park Service Rd., Louisbourge, N.S., B1C 2L

Please note that goCapeBreton.com is not affiliated with Parks Canada. We have not been commissioned or requested to collect this community feedback. We are doing so because we feel it will be helpful for our community to have an easy way to voice its opinion in a meaningful and respectful way. 

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The proposed War Memorial has stirred controversy. Like, dislike, or add your comments here and we will submit them to all to Parks Canada.
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Page Simon Follow Me
Let the park stay natural with as little man made as possible. Wrong place for a war memorial or any big thing. Also, sir uptime to wildlife.
carol cunningham Follow Me
I can't even stand to look at this image of the memorial let alone imagine how I would feel standing next to it. To me, it is out of sync with the natural, simple, and yet stunning landscape that is Cape Breton.
Gayle Bird Follow Me
So completely inappropriate.
Joanie Cunningham Follow Me
Yes, parts of our Island are beautiful. But I don't think this beauty will be compromised by something that is both respectful to the location and purpose.
MIke Hunter Follow Me
The proposed monument is an abomination on several levels, including an affront to the many benefits of our national parks, a not-so-thin-edge-on-the-wedge to compromising the sovereignty of national park natural space and a further sign of the creeping militarism in Canadian society. This is a bad idea.
Dave King Follow Me
Although huge compared to the individual, it is dwarfed by the park itself. With this in mind, one small monument is not going to mar the splendor that is Cape Breton Highlands National Park. It will draw visitors and honor those that served our country oversees. As long as environmental concerns are addressed, it should be positive overall.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Personally, I support the Memorial. Here's why: (1) It's (reportedly) private money. If it was public money, I would say there are better ways we can invest the money (entrepreneurship!). But, if someone wants to gift our community something free that will generate economic activity, I'll take it. (2) Parks Canada attendance has dropped significantly in Nova Scotia. Less visits means less money for upkeep and economic benefit: http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/docs/pc/attend/table1.aspx (3) It will generate economic activity. It will be shared around the world. I do think people will come to see it. It has the potential to become iconic. This creates local jobs. Another few meters of empty coastline does not put food on the table for those in our community that need work. .... see next comment for reasons, 4, 5, and 6.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
...continued from last comment (4) I like the design itself. And, it has to be huge (otherwise, why bother). And, as Dave King says below, it's dwarfed by the park itself. There are hundreds of miles of natural coastline on Cape Breton Island. (5) Certainly, the environmental impact needs to be assessed properly. I'm not qualified to do that, but I would venture to guess that most others who criticize it are not either. And, hey, it's a stack of concrete, not a garbage dump, power plant, or even a windmill. (6) Memorializing the pains of war is as good as a cause as you can find. It's not religious. It's not culturally specific or exclusionary. It's a national monument of peace that can be appreciated around the world. Everything has pros and cons. Seems to me that this one leans heavily on the positive.
Jean Deveaux Follow Me
I can't understand why this monument should be placed at Green Cove...our veterans left our shores from Pier 21 and those that returned sailed into Pier 21. Why destroy the peace and tranquility of our beautiful park for a concrete image? We will NEVER forget our veterans. We don't need this to remind us. Many thousands of veterans came to Green Cove to FORGET, not to remember.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Seems like a lot of shortsightedness. Very pleased this will be big enough to see at a distance. :) Note: There are other VERY beautiful places in the world with water and trees. I can't imagine anyone not being interested in seeing this when driving nearby or from the ocean. Pictures of it will be posted on Facebook and Twitter by people all over the world. Ummm - Ever heard of the Statue of Liberty (NY), Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)... or perhaps that (some might say world-wondrous) Colossus of Rhodes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQt-uevpLHs
Steve MacNeil Follow Me
There are ample reasons to oppose this project, beyond just good taste. In the first place, erecting it in a national park is a direct contravention of the mandate of Parks Canada, which they are obligated by law to uphold - namely, the preservation of the park in its natural state. People go to these parks to admire the beauty of the land untainted by obtrusive human landmarks. Secondly, the project sets a terrible precedent - our national parks belong to all Canadians, and are not there to be sold off piecemeal to political contributors and wealthy individuals dreaming up vanity projects.
Steve MacNeil Follow Me
(cont.'d) Thirdly, I'm offended on a moral level by the current federal government's fetish for all things militaristic and war, and their absolute unwillingness to fund anything that might support brave veterans once they return home. It's craven hypocrisy. And fourth, it's not as if there can be no middle ground between having it in the park and not having it at all. If it was put someplace else - particularly if it was on private land, or in a developed area - there would be no outcry. I'll leave the tasteless design for others to discuss, but if you haven't read the details of it for yourself, you really should.
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
From the "Parks Canada" Charter: OUR ROLE: "We are storytellers recounting the history of our land and our people - the stories of Canada." - the memorial is all about story telling and this is Parks Canada's role in a National Park.
Steve MacNeil Follow Me
National Historic Parks are for commemorating history, and that is not what Cape Breton Highlands Park is for. Particularly since this is a purely arbitrary location. There is no historical tie between this site and what it's supposedly commemorating. While we're quoting from the Parks Canada charter, "Our Commitments: To protect, as a first priority, the natural and cultural heritage of our special places and ensure that they remain healthy and whole." Flattening the existing landscape to build statues, restaurants and gift shops sure doesn't seem to jibe with their first priority.
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
Mr./Professor Howard seems to have an issue with Remembrance, too. http://www.capebretonpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/2014-11-08/article-3932260/Remembrance-Day-revolves-around-inconvenient-truths/1
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
"Jewels of the Cabot Trail" - Currently, fewer than 20% of the visitors to the trail stop at Green Cove. The monument would increase the number of visitors there. That's a good thing.
Steve MacNeil Follow Me
That's a big assumption. I don't think it's going to draw many people who aren't already visiting the park, and I think it might well diminish the experience of the people who want a wilderness experience, not an unobstructed view of the arse end of a ten-story statue.
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
Opponents to the monument say it would deter science field trips - Actually, there's be an increase in the number of students that would go visit Green Cove because of the memorial, for lessons in history, geology, geography, and more.
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
Camp site - Mr. Howard mentioned that there is a camp site at Green Cove - NOPE.
Neeta Kumar-Britten Follow Me
Mr. Howard stated that the "Never Forgotten National Memorial Foundation" has misrepresented the prospects for great paying local jobs - NOPE - they never have stated any economic impact or jobs numbers, though both would be benefits.
Joyce Nicholson Follow Me
I think it's in a great part of the Trail., right between Neils Harbour and Ingonish..I'm sure it would increase traffic by car and boat.... great idea!
Steve MacNeil Follow Me
I want someone to explain why it must go inside the park, and why putting it outside the park is not acceptable. There have been ample reasons given why the park ought to be left intact. That I think it's way too big and that its design is kind of embarrassingly vulgar are actually irrelevant criticisms. Put it on private land outside the park and you can make it as crass and over-the-top as you want. But there shouldn't be any development in the national parks, full stop.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Steve, I don't know what the broader public opinion is but for me, I don't care if it goes in the park or not. I only want to see it in Cape Breton so that the Island can benefit from the significant financial benefits that will come from it. If you care about the park, which it seems you do, I would think that you would want the park to make more money so that it can be supported in the way that you want. Attendance at Parks Canada sites in NS have dropped dramatically (exact numbers are posted online). This means less money for the parks. Personally, I don't want more of my tax dollars going into the parks. I would prefer that my tax dollars go to other causes like poverty, unemployment, and entrepreneurship. So, if a privately-funded memorial will provide that money to the park, then it is a win-win for both of us. …continued next comment
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
…continued from previous comment My tax dollars get used for other things and you get money to support the park that you love. It's a bit of a compromise for both of us too in that you don't like the statue in the park and I and others cannot create businesses related to the statue because it is in a controlled area (ie, the park gets the money). You seem to disagree that the statue will generate money. If that is the case, we will have to agree to disagree because I am certain it will.
Perry MacKinnon Follow Me
This figure has much too much of a religious appearance/ feel about it. We can do without. There has to be a better way of making the same statement, and without changing the look of the coastline.
Martha Ross Follow Me
I love nature, the park should be left as is. I am not against memorials but think the park shouldn’t be the place for this memorial. And I am also looking at the huge cost for this monument, especially we are now living in times where we need to be taking care of the children right here in Cape Breton who are living in poverty, people living on the streets in tents or no coverings to protect them. Our health care is desperately needing improvement. And I am sure there is many other things that could be mentioned here, that is lacking in Cape Breton.
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