Parks Canada Testing New Cocoon Tree Beds in CB Highlands

From this big adventure

We’re always on the lookout for cool things to do all over Canada, and we’ve recently found something new to add to our list. The Parks Canada Cocoon Tree Bed is a comfortable camping bubble suspended high in the trees above Ingonish Beach in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park and comes at a cost of $70/night.

The first of its kind in Canada, this year marks the trial run of the accommodations that can sleep up to four, comfortably, but comes with the recommendation of two guests. With nothing but a bed inside, there’s little room for storage – but the gentle sway of the wind to put you to sleep makes up for that fact.

Held fast to the trees with tight wires, the abode twenty feet off of the ground has a steep staircase leading up to the sleeping cocoon, and has two hatches that act as ‘windows’.

...If the trial run is successful, we could perhaps look forward to seeing more of the cocoons in parks across Canada – now wouldn’t that be incredible? To book, you can reserve in advance starting on July 1, 2016 by calling (902) 285-2535

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The first of its kind in Canada, this year marks the trial run of the accommodations that can sleep up to four
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Nat Mudge Follow Me
How lovely, that would be! A secure hammock, in Ingonish...

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