PLAYER PROFILE Jonathan Chiasson -The Simon Basketball Tourney

The Simon Chiasson Alumni Basketball Tournament (“The Simon”) is one of the largest ALMUNI basketball tournaments in Canada. The Simon runs from March 16 - 19, 2017 with up to 18 men’s and women’s teams and 200 players competing in three venues in Cape Breton.  Find out more at

The Simon is sharing profiles of some of the players that will be participating in the tournament.  Maybe you know the player profiled below?  Read and share this profile on Facebook, Twitter, and more - help us create some buzz for the tournament!

Jonathan Chiasson
High School
Memorial High School
Years Played
1987 - 1990
Uniform Number
Dave Jones
Fond Memory
1984 Sydney Mines Junior High played BEC for the Federation championship in their gym.  Simon was the only driver available as the game was played during school time. He was lucky enough to have a father in law who owned a lovely new GMC Sierra with a box cover.  It was later Feb. or early March.  The roads were packed with icy snow and with wind chill, I am guessing it was minus 15 celsius.  Dad made me sit in the warm cab with he and another disappointed player.  You see this was way before activity release forms and seatbelt enforcement.  The team was every bit as excited to be driving in the back of a pick up as they were to be playing in the final.  No phones, ipads or ipods to take away the brilliantly juvenile dialogue amongst a dozen teammates in an 8 foot box for 45 minutes.   I wasn’t even on the team as I was in gr. 6, but it seems that more guys remember the ride and not so much the details of the game.  The journey was more important than the destination.
Has basketball/sports helped you in your life?
I can’t imagine what my life would be like if Simon hadn’t brought basketball to the Northside.  It was the main focus of my life from elementary school to marriage.  Some of my best friends came from each of the teams I’ve played on and coached.  It has taught me pride and shame.  It has taught me to respect my opponents and officials as they are the only ones that supply me the opportunity to be in the game.  It has provided me with the focus and determination to be successful in many facets in life.  It has taught me that there is no substitute for hard work.  And finally, it has taught me the value of reflecting on the great memories more often.
Have you played basketball after high school?

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Check out the profile of this local person playing in one of the largest ALUMNI basketball tournaments in Canada
Sports Recreational


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