PLAYER PROFILE Leo B. Doyle - The Simon Basketball Tourney

The Simon Chiasson Alumni Basketball Tournament (“The Simon”) is one of the largest ALMUNI basketball tournaments in Canada. The Simon runs from March 16 - 19, 2017 with up to 18 men’s and women’s teams and 200 players competing in three venues in Cape Breton.  Find out more at

The Simon is sharing profiles of some of the players that will be participating in the tournament.  Maybe you know the player profiled below?  Read and share this profile on Facebook, Twitter, and more - help us create some buzz for the tournament!

Leo B. Doyle
High School
Memorial High School
Years Played
1982-1983 (Grade 10)
Uniform Number
Robert MacLean
Fond Memory

Going to Halifax in grade 10 with Memorial to play in a tournament during the Christmas holiday break of 1982.  I recall it well because I played basketball with 10 stitches in my chin from a skate in the face a week earlier. (Ask Brian Purchase about it). Memorial played against teams like JL Isley and Sackville. In particular, I remember a game played at Canadian Martyrs gym versus a Halifax Community YMCA team. (I think Augy Jones and Wade Smith played on the Community Y team). I recall speaking to Frank Baldwin at the game who I had met when I attended St Mary’s U Basketball Camp in 1980.  I ran in to Mr Baldwin before our game against the Y and he came to speak to our Memorial team prior to tip-off. He told us "not to be intimidated by the more athletic kids on the Community Y team". But it was  to no avail. We were intimidated by their aggressive, in your face, swarming defense and we turned the ball over multiple times as they ran up a 20 point lead. We lost by about 25 points.

Has basketball/sports helped you in your life?

It has helped immensely. I learned to manage time, to get along with others, to problem solve, how to win and lose, and if you work together well as a team you can achieve goals, regardless of the score.

Have you played basketball after high school?

I was recruited to play varsity hockey at CBU, but decided in the fall of first year that I actually preferred basketball to hockey. But it was too late to get back into basketball, so I focused on academics and playing intramurals at CBU and St FX. Good grades, not sports, earned me academic scholarships, so it all worked out. At Trinity College Dublin, I played on the university’s second basketball division team, which was largely comprised of visiting Americans, other Europeans and few Irish guys. We had a great time travelling to play other Irish university teams, which in some cases included NCAA D1 guys looking for a second chance to play and actually earn a degree (Ireland had no eligibility restrictions). 

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Supported by: Derek Momborquette  

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Check out the profile of this local person playing in one of the largest ALUMNI basketball tournaments in Canada
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