Pleased to help new local startups or businesses trying to grow.

Hi, I'm Mathew Georghiou. If I can help share my experience or point you in the right direction with starting or growing a business in Cape Breton, message me. I don't expect anything in return, I just want to help local budding entrepreneurs and business owners. I can't always find the time to meet in person, but I will always respond to questions online. Follow this link to my profile where you can message me:

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Christian Murphy Follow Me
I too am happy to help out so don't hesitate to send me a message well.
Jennifer Ajin Follow Me
Hi Christian, Thanks for extending help to young entrepreneurs like myself. I am currently expanding my Financial Planning practice and hope to do so in the Sydney area. I look forward to connecting with you on linkedIn.
Jennifer Ajin Follow Me
Mathew, Great initiative in trying to help point entrepreneurs in the right direction.
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