Come and explore a 10 kilometre system of trails that takes you through a spectacular tapestry of rolling terrain, hardwood and softwood forests plus gently flowing brooks and streams. This trail network here includes trails owned and managed by two different groups. The Port Hawkesbury Community Trails begin at the parking area at Grant's Pond, Crandall Road, and the Recreation Grounds, and include the trails forming the loop to the east. The Stora Woodland Trails include the stacked loop network to the north. In total there are approximately 10km of trails here that travel through mixed, hardwood and softwood forests, over undulating terrain, through open areas and across numerous streams. The tread is a single track, natural duff surface with some areas scattered with roots and rocks. Sections of boardwalk and wooden bridges cross brooks and other wet areas, offering numerous scenic views.
Port Hawkesbury Community Trails
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10 Kilometer system of trails in Southwest Cape Breton.
Amenities Hiking, Trail
Living Parks, Nature, Outdoors Trails, Hiking, Adventure
Sport Running
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