Text from a letter issued to the public by the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education
January 30, 2025
Sent on behalf of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Subject: Update on PowerSchool Breach
The Government’s investigation into the recent PowerSchool Cybersecurity Breach is ongoing and it has been determined that information for 35,000 current and former students, 3,500 parents and guardians and 3,200 current and former employees of Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education was part of the stolen data.
Some of the information included in the stolen data were names, addresses, birth dates, gender, school, grade, graduation year, user ID, encrypted password, doctor name, phone number, medical alert information, email, personnel number, and teacher professional number.
Information included in the stolen data varies based on the individual. SIN numbers for about 120 staff were included in the data breach. No financial information was included in stolen data.
If your Social Insurance Number (SIN) was included in stolen data, credit monitoring will be offered to you.
If you were impacted by this data breach, you will be contacted in the coming weeks. Information on the PowerSchool Cybersecurity Breach can be found at: https://novascotia.ca/privacy-breach/
SIGNED: Susan Kelley Regional Executive Director
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