Preserving History

History is in all of us. It’s in our thoughts, our memories and in our conversations. We talk about yesterday once that day has passed, and as we get older talk about that same day, that yesterday, albeit a little less clear than what it was. And without that memory we might be lucky enough to have a photograph to help us remember that day. Before cell phones and digital cameras, photographs were taken sparingly. We waited for just the right moment to use up a valuable piece of celluloid. Those photographs ended up in albums, with the thought of looking back on them. To see the way we were. How much younger we looked. We want to be remembered. That we made some difference on this earth. The photograph in this post was taken in the early part of the 20th Century in Louisbourg. This man was a member of the Louisbourg yacht club. There is no one alive today to remember him, but this photograph is left of him. And if it was not for a museum to hold it, this man’s passing could be lost forever. I wonder if we were ever faced with having to leave our home suddenly, and given the choice of saving one thing outside of our family members and pets what would it be? A lot of us would pick our photographs. We want to save them so our descendants and community will also bear witness to our existence. And if they’re lucky enough to end up in a museum a stranger can come across this man and see how magnificent he looked in his yachtsman clothes. What is his story? A museum’s archives is full of these photographs that have stories to be told and it is our responsibility to make sure it is preserved. Photo is of John A. MacDonald 1908(c) and it's from the Louisbourg S&L Railway Museum.

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
What are the trophies on the table? I take it he won some kind of race or regatta?
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
This is what is written on the back of this photo: Cup on right looking at picture. Louisburg Citizen's Cup Marion Sept 2/07 JA. McDonald Aeolus Sept 7/08 F. Townsend Aeolus Sept 6/09 f. Townsend (Barbour Silver Co - Quadruple 2094) Louisburg Yacht Club John A. McDonald Marion 1907 F. Townsend Aeolus 1908 F.S. Townsend Aeolus 1909 (Standard Silver Colito, Toronto 88 Special Hard White Metal ) I would guess the names such as Marion and Aeolus were the names of their boats.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Interesting. Townsend is an old Louisbourg name. Part of the New England gang that participated in one of the sieges, I think, and subsequently got land grants. I know one of them married a Lorway 6 or 7 generations back.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
Townsend and Lorway are also the names of streets in Louisbourg.
Bill Fiander My Post Follow Me
This piece by Bill O'shea gives the history of yachting in Louisburg and includes the gentleman in the photo. It's an interesting read.

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