Put elected officials on a bicycle, email them today

A major announcement happened in Nova Scotia this month with regard to making a Blue route through Nova Scotia. The only other province that has a blueroute is Quebec and it is growing tourism along with physical fitness.Cape Breton is on the blue route map, but what is missing is a bicycle trail on the right of way owned by an American company from Port Hawkesbury, along the Brasdor lakes through Sydney Mines, North Sydney, Sydney, New Waterford and Glace Bay. With how popular fitness and recreation is today, a trail like this might put the CBRM on the top ten places to live in Canada list. I hope our elected officials are visionaries can see why it is important to make sure we do not lose our right of way if the railway is finished with it. Email your MLA and MP today and tell them to protect the right of way The federal and provincial governments are putting $1.1 million toward developing the Blue Route, a 3,000-kilometre continuous bicycle route spanning Nova Scotia. Of that, $800,000 will come from ACOA and another $340,000 from the province. The money will go toward trail creation and upgrades, signage, marketing and promotional work, and efforts to encourage communities and businesses to be bike-friendly. The Nova Scotia government has also committed $2.6 million in non-cash support for paving work, focus groups and research. The route is modelled on the Route Verte in Quebec, the only province in Canada that has a full provincial bicycle route. More information can be found at blueroute.ca https://www.localxpress.ca/local-news/federal-and-provincial-governments-provide-funding-for-provincewide-bike-route-310538

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