Quilting Superheroes — A Story of Hope to Support Good Causes

Photo credit Michelle Leudey; Quilt credit Carolyn Guy & Kilby Kipping

Is anyone in need of a FEEL GOOD story? Well, I have one for you, and this story has something for everyone. Hello, my name is Carolyn Guy, owner and operator of Whitney Oaks Designs Longarm Quilting Services. I recently did a series of posts on Instagram and Facebook sharing my involvement in a “Made in Canada” quilting collaboration. This collaboration just happens to have a deep connection to a local Cape Breton charity that is close to so many of our hearts, Caleb’s Courage. I thought I would share this wonderful project with the readership of goCapeBreton.com.

Watch the video above — Longarm quilting is the process by which a longarm sewing machine is used to sew together a quilt top, quilt batting and a backing into a finished quilt by using beautiful stitching designs.

This is a story of a group of women from across Canada, who came together to spread hope, and create community through an empowerment quilt project inspired by a little SUPERHERO, named Caleb MacArthur. Three year old Caleb courageously battled neuroblastoma for one year. His legacy of STRENGTH, JOY, HOPE and COURAGE is of EPIC proportion. The endowment in Caleb’s name at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation goes to provide support to little SUPERHEROES, fighting really BIG BATTLES and their families.

PHOTO: Starting in the top left and going clockwise is Nicole Forgeron-MacArthur, of Cape Breton with her son, Caleb in 2014; Jennifer Long of Bee Sew Inspired, Manitoba; Carolyn Guy of Whitney Oaks Designs Longarm Quilting Services, Cape Breton; Erica Cormack of Studio39fabrics, Alberta.

During this project our group has shared a lot of laughs, excitement and admittedly a few tears. All virtually, because that’s how things are done these days! By sharing the quilt designs, and the meaning behind these empowerment quilts, I’m hoping to inspire the quilters in our community to create an empowerment quilt for someone you may know.

Photo & quilt credit Jennifer Long

Aren’t these quilts FUN? So, so …..SUPER! Our vision for these quilts was that once under the quilt, the child becomes the SUPERHERO, they recharge to fight another day. Whether their fight is against childhood cancer, bullying, mental health issues, discrimination … no matter the issue, it is meant to be empowering for the recipient.

Photo & Quilt credit Jennifer Long

These quilts can be playful too. Children can use the quilt back as a cape for some added fun. It’s really for anyone with an imagination. There are 3 versions, BE A SUPERHERO COURAGE, HOPE QUILT BACKING, AND BE A SUPERHERO STRENGTH VERSION. Patterns can be purchased through BEE SEW INSPIRED ETSY shop. 10% of all pattern sales comes right back to Caleb’s Courage, right here in Cape Breton.

What I truly love about these patterns is that there are endless ways to customize them to represent the SUPERHERO you have in mind. Check out the Caleb’s Courage version, truly representative of the little boy who wore his SUPERHERO cape to treatment to fight cancer.

Photo Credit Michelle Leudey; Quilt credit Carolyn Guy

If you are a quilter, or you know a quilter, I bet your minds are racing right now. Who do you know that would love a quilt like this? How would you customize it? Is anyone else thinking sparkly boots, or is that just me?

These quilt patterns aren’t just for children either … we believe these quilts are for just about anyone you consider to be a SUPERHERO. It is also a quilting opportunity to recognize those frontline healthcare professionals, the teachers, the school bus drivers, the custodians at our schools … people doing their jobs selflessly to help support and protect all of us during a global pandemic.

Meet Tara Baker, Tara was Caleb’s nurse. We wanted to honour her dedication to Caleb, and to our local paediatric unit. If you would like to see more photos of local Cape Breton SUPERHEROES head over to my FACEBOOK page WHITNEY OAKS DESIGNS, or my Instagram page @whitneyoaksdesigns. There are also several fun outtakes to enjoy.

Photo Credit Michelle Leudey; Quilt credit Carolyn Guy

The only thing better than making a quilt like this to support or recognize someone special in your community, would be to make one of these quilts with a HUGE group of SUPERQUILTERS! Join the Facebook group “SEW INSPIRED.” Jennifer Long will be hosting a LIVE Quilt Along beginning Wednesday, October 28 and running every Wednesday until the end of November. She will have guests, prizes and there will be LOTS, and LOTS of FUN … Jennifer’s excitement and creativity are truly inspiring! Remember with great quilting powers, comes great quilting responsibility … BE A SUPERQUILTER, join the Quilt Along.

Jennifer, Erica and myself are committed to giving back to Caleb’s Courage 10% of all sales for this project. So when your quilt tops are finished and ready for longarming, consider bringing them to Carolyn at Whitney Oaks Designs, and supporting Caleb’s Courage.

If you are not a quilter but want to donate to Caleb’s Courage just click on this link:
https://www.becauseyoucare.ca/Calebs-Courage SHARE this article to help raise donations for Caleb's Courage.

Because no matter how small an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, it will make a difference.” Quote from Wonder Woman.

I will be one of the guests on the first week of the Quilt Along ... join us and support Cape Breton small business, and Caleb’s Courage.

See you there,
Carolyn Guy

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Great story! Thanks so much for sharing it.
Carolyn Guy My Post Follow Me
Thanks, Richard. It is a project that is very close to my heart.

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