Rankin MacSween Announces Candidacy for Mayor of CBRM

Rankin MacSween announced his candidacy for mayor of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). 

“On the one hand, things have never looked more promising. On the other, many in our community are struggling more than ever. If we are going to take advantage of the many opportunities that lay before us, we're going to have to do things differently. We can’t go backwards.” MacSween said.

MacSween joins James Edwards, Archie MacKinnon, and Cecil Clarke who have also announced their runs.

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Pauline MacLellan Follow Me
Best news I’ve seen in quite awhile! Rankin is just what this island needs! So VERY happy to have someone I can vote for because it was looking very dismal until now.
Christine Bonnar Follow Me
I have NOT made up my mind of who to vote for as mayor. I am waiting to hear them all speak on the PROBLEMS we have here in CBRM and how they are going to FIX IT. I’m tired of avoiding solutions and using wording as, “going forward, we need our fair share, property taxes are too high etc, etc”. I want to hear concrete resolutions and the most important part when they do become mayor…….TO ACT ON WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD DO

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