Rankin MacSween Running for Mayor of CBRM [VIDEO]

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Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Great news and will make a great mayor with his experience, education and his love for Cape Breton.
Sherry Finney Follow Me
I planned to be at today's event, but unfortunately was unable to attend. However, I fully support Rankin for Mayor! I first met Rankin 25 years ago, and what immediately impressed me then and still does today, is this is a man who listens, is humble, intelligent, honest and fair. Combine this with a solid plan, which he outlined today, (and I'm sure we'll hear more about in coming weeks) and you have someone we all need to get behind. He is the kind of leader CBRM needs to help us prosper the way I know we can!
Joe Ward Follow Me
Rankin recognizes our immense challenges. He observed the missteps of the last four years. And he's committed to finding solutions in a way that acknowledges our current state of being in the CBRM. He offered a brief introduction to a targeted platform, instead of fishing for voters with 100 hooks baited with something for anyone who'll bother to take a nibble. Once the hook is set, it's too late for you. Rankin is about restoring and building a community, not restoring and building a resume for a Federal MP run. He's right. We can do better! Make your vote count for something.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
I am on board with Rankin, as previously mentioned, he has given more to this community than he has taken. To Joe's point, it's not about resume building, this is about giving it an honest try. I sincerely believe he will teach all the new Councilors about responsibility and what it means to be a Servant Leader. Where do I sign up to volunteer?
Joe Ward Follow Me
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Trying to show my joy on CB Posts announcement but no comments are getting through. CB Post, likes to control the message and censor readers Bad on them.
Frankie MacLean Follow Me
Hey I am new here. First of all you got to shrink the fonts or do something to that home page. It is just to busy, too hard for folks to see what each item is about. The lead photos and text are distorting due to the lack of attention to the user experience. You is not going to grow much until you fix that because folks will see that wall of garbled photos and text and immediately surf elsewhere.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Clarke is history. No man has ever done so much damage to a municipality. Rankin will win with the highest majority ever to be seen in a Canadian. municipal election. Sort of our Thank you Mr Clarke for making us third worse place to live in Canada .
sharon Matthews Follow Me
never heard of him ,
Eileen MacNeil Follow Me
So happy Rankin is running again. I fully support him. He has a proven track record in business and community development. He is a true leader. Clarke has been a horrible disappointment. Shame in you Cecil Clarke
Frankie MacLean Follow Me
I notice he didn't say a word about his effort to flood us with immigrants. How about telling the public about that work on behalf of neoconservatives and we will see how well he does.
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