Red Bear Healing Home Celebrates Over 700 In-Need Persons Served

Red Bear Healing Home Celebrates Over 700 In-Need Persons Served by Red Bear ‘Connects’
Serving Nova Scotians experiencing social or economic deprivation
“For people without a phone, it is an awesome way to keep in touch with local business for work...the service by Red Bear got me off the street into a very decent job. Thank you so much!”
Red Bear is a registered non-profit providing services in Nova Scotia to reduce the impact of poverty. Connects is a lifeline for people unable to pay for a phone or answering service. Participants access a confidential voice mail through any phone and/or email 24/7. Connects has made a milestone by surpassing 700 individuals who have been registered and use our service.

‘A phone without a phone’ establishes networks and builds capacity for users to connect with potential landlords, employers, service providers, health care, friends, and family. Available for free for anyone experiencing poverty in Nova Scotia. For those who make over $36,000 annually a nominal service fee is charged.

Individuals can register by calling (902) 448-4744 (CELL) (902) 765-0453 or 211 to sign up. The user receives two numbers (a Halifax number and a 1-800) with unique mailbox extension. Messages are accessible through these numbers using any phone and the 1-800 number without cost. The first time they call they are prompted to personalize their voice mail box and set up a confidential pass-code. They can also receive a copy of their messages via email though an attachment that they can listen to.

Land phones and payphones will soon be obsolete, but in our technologically driven society they are a necessity. Cell phones are far too expensive for the most vulnerable people in our Nova Scotia community. When you are on the street, that one free phone call could be a life changing call.

2020 has been a hard year for us all. But the impact of the pandemic, economic stress, and the social-political climate’s burden has disproportionately fallen unto the most vulnerable members of our community. Following the Seven Sacred Teachings/Laws; the Teachings of the Four Directions; and the Twelve Teachings of the Sacred Tree guide our work to build respect for all life we feel particularly motivated now more than ever to ensure we can continue this essential program.

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Red Bear Connects is a free, confidential voice mail available through any phone and/or email 24/7
Directory Association, Charity, Group, Nonprofit Social Services


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