Richmond County Council Contacts

Municipality Contacts

Municipality of the County of Richmond

2357 Highway 206
P.O. Box 120
Arichat, Nova Scotia
B0E 1A0

Tel: (902) 226-2400
Toll free: 1-800-567-2600

Contact Form

The Council of the Richmond County Municipality is comprised of 10 Councillors. There is one Councillor elected per district.

District Name Address Phone/Fax/E-mail
1 Victor David

P.O. Box 329

Arichat, NS

B0E 1A0

P: (902) 226-2151
F: (902) 226-0153
E:  [email protected]
2 Rod Samson

4246 Hwy 206

Little Anse, NS

B0E 3C0

P: (902) 226-3087
E:  [email protected]
3 Malcolm Beaton

D'Escousse, NS

B0E 1K0

P: (902) 226-3013
F:  (902) 226-3013
E:  [email protected]
4 Alvin Martell

RR #1, Box 1, Site 10

West Arichat, NS

B0E 3J0

P: (902) 226-2645
F: (902) 563-5179
E:  [email protected]
5 Deputy Warden Shirley McNamara P.O. Box 13
Cleveland, N.S.
B0E 1J0
P: (902) 625-0378
F: (902) 625-2739
E:  [email protected]
6 Brian Marchand

483 Main Street
P.O. Box 447

Louisdale, N.S.

P: (902) 345-2082
F: (902) 345-2082
E:  [email protected]

7 Gilbert Boucher P.O. Box 3
River Bourgeois, NS
B0E 2X0
P: (902) 535-2594
C: (902) 535-3985
E:  [email protected]
8 Steve MacNeil P.O. Box 432
St. Peter's, NS
B0E 3B0

P: (902) 535-3413
E:  [email protected]

9 Steve Sampson RR #1
Lower L'Ardoise, NS
B0E 1W0
P: (902) 587-2150
F: (902) 587-2150
E:  [email protected]
10 Gail Johnson

RR #1
St. Peter's, NS
B0E 3B0

P: (902) 535-3440 or (902) 535-3438
E:  [email protected]

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