Flavor Sandwich Wars Review #4

It happened exactly like this. Photo courtesy of Steven Roll's Photoshop lunacy.

Scott & Nolan's "Main-a-Dieu Meat Rocket"

      - Fresh 1lb Lobster/AAA Beef Tenderloin/Melted Mozzarella/Aged Cheddar/Smoked Bacon/Chipolte Mayo/Garlic Butter Infused Fresh Baked Sub Bun

  • A Meat Rocket has two ingredients: Protein and Death.
  • Ordering a Meat Rocket conjures the spirit of John Wayne as he gives you a knowing nod.
  • Eating a Meat Rocket gives you the power to go back in time and kill Hitler.
  • Finishing a Meat Rocket makes you an honorary lumberjack.
  • Apollo 13 was a Meat Rocket.
  • The Meat Rocket caused the Cambrian Explosion.
  • Donald Trump hates the Meat Rocket, and wants it to pay for a wall.
  • The Meat Rocket is the opposite of bad, and kale.
  • The Meat Rocket was first invented by Noah when he didn't follow directions properly.

The chips are just garnish, like testosterone infused parsley.

  • Eating a Meat Rocket is how a Maori-boy becomes a Maori-Man.
  • Stephen Harper claims he finished a Meat Rocket, but in fact, never has.
  • Meat Rockets come into existence when lobsters sacrifice one of their own to their Elder God, Macho Man Randy Savage.
  • A Meat Rocket's favorite colour is plaid.
  • Nothing happens if you feed a Mogwai a Meat Rocket after midnight.
  • James Cameron found a Meat Rocket at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

The Meat Rocket was first theorized on Pimp My Sandwich.

  • Meat Rockets came from the future to stop SkyNet.
  • The Meat Rocket steals the Club Sandwich's lunch money at recess.
  • Anne Hathaway thinks the Meat Rocket "lacks subtlety."
  • Time and Space do not apply to the Meat Rocket.
  • Flux capacitors run on Meat Rockets.
  • In Soviet Russia, Meat Rockets eat you.
  • Meat Rockets cure typhoid.
  • The Dancing Plague of 1518 was caused by a lack of Meat Rockets.
  • Meat Rockets make you sexier.
  • Also known as "The Four Horsemen of the Colonacalypse."

This guy (seal?) just finished a Meat Rocket.

  • Go get a Meat Rocket
    Verdict: The Meat Rocket is not a competitor in the Sandwich Wars. It has transcended the Sandwich Wars into Sandwich Valhalla, where it fights mighty sandwich battles alongside the sandwich Gods. The Meat Rocket is not a meal. It is a challenge set before you to test your gastric might in carnivorous battle. Face the Meat Rocket at your own peril. 

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Will Meat Rockets become a meme? I think it could have legs. In fact, if a Meat Rocket got legs and became sentient, it would look like Jabba the Hut! Richard III actually said: "My kingdom for a Meat Rocket!" "A Meat Rocket by any other name would taste as sweet, but you still couldn't finish it," said Romeo.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I spend most of my waking hours on, near, or in contemplation of the Internet. That's not normally considered a very good thing, btw. If I wasn't developing a Web software service, I might be in trouble. With that said, I think Rory just won the Internet. IMO, the feature image should be a permanent wall canvas at Flavor on the Water.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
"Is this a Meat Rocket which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee." ~ Macbeth, Act 2
Eric Lortie Follow Me
Well, this is the best review for anything, ever. Shut the internet down.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Absolutely right! Let's all go home and take the rest of our lives (or at least August) off!
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Ok, so, umm ...... does it taste good?
Rory Andrews My Post Follow Me
Good question! I originally thought the sandwich existed for the mere fact to put something that ridiculous on the menu, like a Pauly Shore movie in sandwich form. I feared that the toughness of the beef would take away from the lobster. I'm of the opinion that the best way to serve lobster is as lobster. But honestly, the sandwich came together quite well. The salty pork and lobster really blended into the savory flavors of the tender beef, with a heated spark of the chipotle mayo to bring it all together. Looking back on it, $25 is actually a really good deal for everything you get. Surf&Turf goes for more than $25 at most places, and this comes with an added bacon bonus. The Meat Rocket doesn't leave you wanting more. It leaves you feeling accomplished, and with a cannonball sitting at the bottom of your gut.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Cannonball guts and Pauly Shore ... what else could a guy want?!
Sean Stewart Follow Me
The real question is .. will it blend?!

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