CBRM committee overseeing port development rarely met, lacks records

Clerk's office says no list of meetings, no minutes kept for committee struck nearly 3 years ago

CBC NewsTom Ayers

Depending on who's being asked, a Cape Breton Regional Municipality committee that's supposed to oversee a proposed container terminal development has either met within the last couple of months or sometime in 2022.

There's no written record of it ever having met and no one can say who chairs the committee, whose details are as murky as the future of the Sydney Harbour terminal — the project it's meant to champion.

One of its members, Coun. Eldon MacDonald, said he couldn't provide a lot of infor…


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CBRM committee overseeing port development rarely met, lacks records

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: May 02, 2024 5:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 3 minutes ago
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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Given what has come out in the media lately,finally giving the public a bird's eye view of what has happened with Barbusci/Container Port/Wind Farm over the last 10 years,anyone in senior administration who was involved should resign and any elected official who had any part of going along for the ride should be voted out in the Fall election.Also Premier Houston should send in the Auditor General and Ombudsman to hold folks accountable for wasting millions in taxpayer money,money that our officials always whine about not having.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
From the CBC article: "......they're comfortable with a new council deciding on a contract extension or a new contract with Novaporte after this fall's municipal elections." I know that cannibis is legal now, but these guys are smoking some serious stuff. Do they not have enough cerebral activity, self awareness, and sobreity to recognize when they've been duped in order to retain some level of respect?
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Nope.Generally speaking they are clueless on our dime.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
At some point in their life, everyone gets fooled or deceived; smart people learn from it and move on. But even "fool me once, fool me twice....." doen't apply here. Some of these folks have fallen for it 3 times.......from the same guy!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
My problem is with accountability.Municipal Affairs Minister Lohr must have some idea as to what's going on down here and has the Ombudsman ahd Auditor General available at his request.Offhand we have:10 years of Barbusci/Container Pier/Wind Farm with millions spent on the huge land deal and worldwide travel for many,missing library,controversial resignations,secrecy around the copper mine approval vote,secrecy of 2 proposed shelter communes in the Pier,councils vote of non confidence in the mayor,rejection of the 5 million dollar housing offer from the feds,hiding the negative harrassment report of our first responders from the union,coucillors found guilty of harrassment by an independent investigator, and on and on and on.How can these folks get away with this nonsense?

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