CBRM council unanimously approves calling in police over former mayor's credit card use

Councillors say police need to clear the air after Amanda McDougall's expenses cast a 'black cloud'

CBC NewsTom Ayers

Cape Breton Regional Police have been asked to investigate former mayor Amanda McDougall's expenses after she rang up $17,000 in personal charges on a Cape Breton Regional Municipality credit card over the last 18 months of her term.

On Tuesday, councillors voted unanimously to refer the matter to the police after a three-hour closed-door session that included getting legal advice on the credit card charges.

Several councillors said a criminal investigation is necessary to clear the air because m…


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CBRM council unanimously approves calling in police over former mayor's credit card use

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: Feb 18, 2025 4:55 PM EST | Last Updated: 4 minutes ago
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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Lawyer Sampson finally acknowledged that it was the Police Chief's sister in law,CAO Walsh, who was supposed to monitor the credit cards but in this case she didn't.So why why why did mayor and council vote 12 to 1 on Nov,12/24 to give her a golden handshake of $440,000 plus benefits on her way out the door?Citizens deserve an answer to that knumbskull move.Also its clear that our cops gotta send this to the RCMP due to the Chief's relationship with the former CAO Walsh.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
PS. Hang on to your seat,it gets better.......the former mayor has since begun working for the Houston Government.
Joe Ward Follow Me
It's time to review ALL transactions for McDougall, all transactions for everyone else with access to a credit card, and Mayor Clarke's credit card usage in his prior term.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Bang on! An audit should never end when a problem is discovered right off the bat.That's a sure sign that its time for the audit folks to roll up their sleeves and dig in.

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