CBRM election campaign donations create perception of conflict of interest: CBU prof

Urbaniak calls for election financing reform, saying public may see political donations as 'strings attached'

CBC NewsTom Ayers

A political scientist says Cape Breton Regional Municipality council members who accepted donations during last fall's election campaign are not in a conflict of interest.

But he says the public might see it that way and that's why he's calling for change.

"Now that we are early in a new mandate, it would be valuable, it would be a positive exercise for the CBRM council to initiate a serious and productive study of how we can do campaign financing reform in this community," said Cape Breton Unive…


Read the full story on the CBC website

CBRM election campaign donations create perception of conflict of interest: CBU prof

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: Jan 27, 2025 5:00 AM EST | Last Updated: 7 minutes ago
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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Lots of us wondered for years what keeps Barbucsi's nose in our business or should I say non business like the Container Port and Windmills.Well........ just take a look at Eldon's donations to find part of the answer.Add this to the $440,000 plus benefits package approved 12 to 1 by the mayor and council on Nov.12/24 to departing CAO/Accountant Marie Walsh,you know, the one who let the credit card scam take place under her nose.Kinda think folks are catching on to this motely crue.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
NOTE:Barbusci {Container Port/Windmill/Montreal Investor Guy} who's been sticking his nose in CBRM affairs for 10 years donated to the following: Green Clarke Marshall Eldon Edwards
Debbie Keating Follow Me
Always suspicious when I hear Clarke is working on a “deal” with Barbusci…wondering if he is going to sell us down the tubes again. Let’s recall Glynn Williams’ (Fortress Rum) larger bid on Archibald’s Wharf which would have left the green space for the community…. That bid was not entertained because Clarke had already made a deal before council had the chance to even evaluate….even though the community would have supported that deal. Clarke has been paying for that one ever since. Someone has to be the watch dog on this new deal before he does something similar behind the scenes…..nothing really changes does it? This community will not move forward until we have transparency.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
There'a 2 more currently who took donations from Barbucsi,one a long timer with a lot of influence with newcomers and another attached to Memberou who is also a Barbucsi contact.Gotta also watch the crew from Halifax with the Hotel idea which I called out months ago for getting 3 contract extensions from council before the blueprints were complete.Many of our reps are sneaky and incompetent and I have my fingers crossed Houston will order a complete independent forensic audit,unless of course he is afraid of what will be found.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Lots of folks out and about calling the payment to Walsh "HUSH MONEY".
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
As the smoke clears its becoming obvious to the people of CBRM that the Premier and The Minister of Municipal Affairs must have known about the controversial golden handshake of $440,000 plus benefits paid to our CAO/ACCOUNTANT who failed us miserably.No sensible government,busines,organization or private enterprise would issue a payment like that.We deserve an explanation and unless its something we can swallow the 12 reps who approved it should do the honourable and resign.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
SEE BELOW........TOLD YOU SO So........now $6000 from the Doucets to Clarke for his Fall campaign and BOOM.The mayor and council by 12 to 1 give them another extension on the fake hotel/apartments after a few already before the blueprints are done.Those poor poor councillors just never learn.They are well on the way to following Clarke over a cliff with the approval of the $440,000 plus benefits golden handshake to the former CAO who let the credit card scandal happen under her nose and now another Barbusci/container port type scheme.Citizens are constantly being duped by way of their councillors.Gotta give them a call and wake them up.

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