CBRM officials upset at being left out of talks on big rail decisions

Last week, province ended a rail line subsidy and announced a light-rail study without consulting CBRM

CBC NewsTom Ayers

The Nova Scotia government is making big decisions about the future of train transportation in Cape Breton Regional Municipality, whose council members are wondering why they're being left out of the discussion.

Last week, the province admitted it was ending a subsidy for the unused tracks that cross the island, and announced funding for a study on light-rail passenger train service between Sydney and Cape Breton University.

Neither CBRM nor Novaporte — the company given the right to develop the …


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CBRM officials upset at being left out of talks on big rail decisions

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: Apr 10, 2024 1:43 PM EDT | Last Updated: 13 minutes ago
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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Ten years ago mayor Clarke hooked up with Montreal developer Barbusci to supposedly develop a Container Port which needed rail to get the Containers to the mainland. It gave Clarke and his assistant an excuse to travel all over the world. Nothing happened.Then this new administration renewed Barbusci's contract shortly after being sworn in for no apparent reason,hiding the details of the contract from the public with a non disclosure clause in his contract.Within the last several months Barbusci admitted publically that the Port dream was dead mainly because the transport part was dead and he's moving on to the wind farm business,importing,storing and exporting windmill parts.That was an excuse for the mayor,deputy mayor and 3 other officials to fly to Copenhagen.This week CBC reported that a local company who traditionally handled our coal and steel transport took on the wind farm opportunity with no help from any Montreal developer and made us Cape Breton Proud showing us all that we can handle our own affairs without outside"consultants".The big question: Is CBRM gonna renew Barbusci's contract which is soon to expire or let him go which should have happened long ago?
Debbie Keating Follow Me
Raymond, you nailed it!!! Word for word. The container fiasco (with PR assistance from Usher, Walsh, Lamey, and Bettens as “executive assistant” who was recently promoted in charge of fire services and was on approved expense accounts that were never in the public domain to be scrutinized.) You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried folks. Barbusci’s legacy of fake business schemes are on record. He uses anyone around him to legitimize the current scheme he has in the works. Clarke used this as a platform to get whatever he could for employment, but Cape Bretoners are not that stupid to fall for any of this BS again. Time to cut the umbilical cord on these pipe dreams to move us forward…..finally!!! I’m praying before the next municipal election, we have a mass exodus retiring from administrative staff and surely someone reputable at the helm to move us forward in a positive direction. The $1,000,000 we spent on a helicopter pad that council approved (one of the many Clarke schemes) we cannot get back….not even for a library. But we can bloody well hold this gang accountable on another contract with Barbusci!!!!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Three top jobs in CBRM are all related:CAO Walsh,Port Boss Usher{now retired}.and Police Chief Walsh.Now add to that Bettens,Clarke's assistant who travelled with him is now Fire Chief.Kinda makes one think about the goins on down there.
Raymond nails it square on the head......we must keep a close eye on what is going on. Such as: https://capebretonspectator.com/2021/04/07/barbusci-enquete-nuclear-waste/ or https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/chretien-nuclear-waste-project-1.5971996 or https://cpcml.ca/WF2021/Articles/WO08292.HTM Nuclear waste better not come to Cape Breton Island and if it is already here, heads are going to roll. Enough of using this island as a toxic waste dump site. We need to keep an eye on everything going forward......
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Thanks.Much appreciated.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
Barbusci had already been sanctioned by the Securities Exchange Regulatory bodies in Ontario and Quebec BEFORE he was given the initial contract with CBRM. A contract by the way that the Councilors never even read, before they approved it; only Ray Paruch voted against it. The fact that some CBRM Councilors, (ie., Bruckschwaiger!) and the Mayor, still take this guy seriously elevates 'gullible' to new heights. There are some VG flimflam artists out there, (some of them in politics); but not Barbusci, he has been as obvious as daylight......from the very start!! https://www.pressreader.com/canada/cape-breton-post/20150609/281492159935506
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Let's hope the new Port boss pays attention.She's got all new powers now.
Mike Johnson Follow Me
If the Mayor, Councilors and CBRM Officials had been doing their job, they would not have been surprised by anything. They've known that the annual subsidy comes due every April 1 and has had a shaky status for years. In addition, the railway lost it's 'non taxable' status in August 2015 when it stopped running trains, and that opportunity for additional revenue has never been properly investigated. Stop whining and blaming the Prov. when you've failed to do your job!
Christine Bonnar Follow Me
Mike Johnson, just out of curiosity, what exactly do you think the mayor, councillors and CBRM officials should have done differently? How would they know about the cancellations of the subsidy if no one told them. There is a serious lack of communication between Halifax and here and I’m not impressed
Mike Johnson Follow Me
Did you actually read my previous Post? For clarification, the silly Railway subsidy was a deal concocted by CC and G Mac on July 29, 2016. Over time, it added another $4.5 million to the $14M that CC had already wasted as Ec Dev Minister. It was only started to appease the deluded who thought that Barbusci's flimflam antics were going to result in a container terminal. It had to be renewed annually and was questioned each year by those with more objectivity AND the Media. Supposedly it was also essential to development and the sham called Novaporte. Not yet enough reason for someone to make a phone call? Just like Tom Ayers did? How about the fact that G&W has been a terrible 'corporate citizen' since 1993, charging both CBRM and citizens along Rte 223 with unapproved fees for all that time. CBRM's amount was over a $1million! And that CBRM should have been exploring taxation opportunites on the discontinued railway land for the past 9 years? Still not enough reason? And btw, blaming the Province for your own failures, whether it be equalization, housing, disaster relief, or the subsidy, is hardly the way to build a good working relationship! There are some VG Councilors, but there is a distinct lack of leadership from the Mayor and too many of the CBRM bureaucrats have 'retired on the job' years ago. Enough?
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Mike, your comments regarding fiscal accountability for the CBRM are valid. However, the equalization matter, which you have included, is not a case of “whining.” Regarding the categories in the federal equalization program that generates the total equalization transfer, the government refuses to be transparent and accountable for its disbursement within this province. Why is this kept from the public? Particularly, the increasing amount provided in the one category specifically dealing with property taxes and miscellaneous revenues, which is this year about $650 million. The amount provided appears to be sufficient for the province’s compliance with its constitutional obligation. The provincial government’s capped $30 million equalization grant is hardly providing its legal responsibility to comply with its obligation to do so. Do you have an explanation?
Mike Johnson Follow Me
Charles, I was using the term 'equalization' in a more general way and really referring to the recent changes in the MGA and the costs that are covered by the Province. And where CBRM completely failed to manage the process or in any way be proactive and then 'whined' afterwards. As for the larger, more specific NSEF issue, i've never had an explanation, but have personally stated to this and the previous Premier, that "you can't stand by while 'towns' in NS continue to go bankrupt." And though it now appears that the recent changes have benefited CBRM somewhat, (and despite their belated complaints to the contrary), it is a fraction of what is needed, which is really a complete overhaul of the financial arrangment between the 2 entities.

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