Dangerous ruts to be fixed on Cape Breton's Highway 125, but only for 10-km stretch

People 'deserve to drive on a safer highway,' says retired Public Works employee

CBC NewsTom Ayers

A plan to repave a 10-kilometre stretch of Cape Breton highway falls short of what a retired Public Works employee said is needed to fix dangerous ruts that have been blamed in the past for crashes.

Danny Laffin said he tried to get the province to fix the ruts on Highway 125 a few years ago, but they came back. He blamed the problem on a microcoating material used to fill in the grooves.

"I believe it was just a short-term solution, a Band-Aid over the problem, where the department needs to look…


Read the full story on the CBC website

Dangerous ruts to be fixed on Cape Breton's Highway 125, but only for 10-km stretch

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsTom Ayers, Posted: Mar 12, 2025 5:03 PM EDT | Last Updated: 2 minutes ago
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Christine Bonnar Follow Me
Unacceptable! Are we now suppose to jump for joy with fixing hwy 125? Not me! First this has been an ongoing problem for more than 10 years that I have lived here. Always with band-aid fixes. Why? The provincial government is responsible for this hwy ignoring how dangerous it is and chose to spend the money in the HRM. Second, only doing 10 kilometres is not good enough. The whole hwy needs to be fix and fix right. I will not travel on that hwy and I have never seen the depth of ruts being that bad in all of Nova Scotia, including other provinces , expect on that 125 . So again, I’m not jumping for joy at the announcement.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
It would also be a good idea to erect lighting along the 125 as it's sometimes very hard to see at night time, especially as one enters the 125 from Grand Lake Road. There are no lines at this time of year making it even more difficult to have a sense of where one is.

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