Historic flooding hits Nova Scotia amid torrential downpours

This weather event appears to be heaviest rainfall in Halifax area since Hurricane Beth in 1971

CBC NewsRyan Snoddon

Nova Scotia is experiencing a historic flooding event as significant rainfall sweeps the province this weekend.

The heaviest rain has fallen across an area which stretches from near Liverpool  in Queens County on the South Shore, through Lunenburg County, then across to northwest Halifax County and into Hants County. 

Preliminary numbers show rainfall totals in this area ranging from 150-250+ millimetres of rain as of 6 a.m. AT Saturday.

Some folks in these areas, especially near Bedford, Sackvill…


Read the full story on the CBC website

Historic flooding hits Nova Scotia amid torrential downpours

SOURCE www.cbc.ca

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CBC NewsRyan Snoddon, Posted: Jul 22, 2023 9:22 AM EDT | Last Updated: 2 minutes ago
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